I feel a little crazy tonight, or maybe I am sane and everyone els is crazy. I really think people have lots their common sense and common courtesy. First off I want to say if you need to borrow something from some one don't text them and say "I need to borrow your .........". Say "Could I please borrow your......... again" I am leaving blanks so no one feels targeted. Also don't expect some one with three kids under three to respond to you right away, actually you will probably have to remind me again. See I am really busy, I know for some this comes as a surprise. I think some of you think I just sit around and hang out, I DON'T!!!! There has not been one day this week I have just been home all day. Here is what I have done..... Monday: Moms Club meeting 10:30am, then home to try and spend time with Chris before he leaves. Tuesday: Speech therapy 9-10, drop kids at sitter and work from 10:30-11:30, get home get kids in bed for nap, get them up work at gym from 6pm-8pm, home and bed. Wednesday: Gym 9-10:30, Park 10:30 -12. Home for naps. Then after nap dinner, baths, and bed. Thursday: Work 9-1, home for naps, then work at the gym from 4pm-8pm. Friday: Gym 9am-10:30, Mall 10:30-12had to finally get mothers day stuff because I got paid and we finally had money. Than home for naps. Saturday Work at the Gym 8am -12am, then home for naps. Remember in all this time I am taking care of three kids and doing everything BY MY SELF. So I am sorry if I don't return your text, but I am busy. You have no right to be rude about it. Second if you want to borrow something you should make sure to return it in better shape that you received it. Example.....full take of gas, no dead batteries, and returned in a timely manner. I feel like no matter what I do it gives certain people something to talk about. Even if I had returned your text, I am sure when you came to get my item I would have looked mean, said something you didn't like, or you will find something els to talk about. So many of you are nice to my face and then you talk behind my back, and I know this for sure, because some people were pleasantly surprised I wasn't the bitch I was made out to be. So go ahead hate me, talk about me, I must be doing something right for you to spend so much time thinking about me. All I ask is that you have some common courtesy!!