I am watching Toddlers in Tiaras why.......well I couldn't tell you. There is one mom who is a conserative christian, at an all glitz pageant. Needless to say it is redonkuless. Well the whole show is redonkuless. Little girls that look 21, if I were a pedophile I would hang out there!! LOL Ok well this one mom, she was worried about her seven year old showing her shoulders, and she was praying for everything. Literally she is all "god bless us on our pageant", "God touch the hair dressers hands", "Lord help us win", "Oh Jesus Oh Jesus Oh Jesus". She is crazy and it makes me laugh!
Other things that make me laugh...I work well volunteer at the nursery at Crossroads for my membership and daycare. The kids are super funny. There were two seven year olds and they both had an Ipod. One looked at the other and said "is that your personal Ipod?" There were a couple other girls telling me how they are grounded from everything even eating. Kids make me laugh so much, they say the silliest things.
Ok the last thing that made me laugh so hard I almost shot beer out my nose....
We were out side talking to our neighbors. We have had a running joke with them, Tyler the eighteen year old boy bought a semi truck, so we joke we need to get an airplane to keep up with him. Well the other day he got a huge trailer, so big only his semi can pull it. So I look at his dad and say well I guess I need to buy a Jet-Pack to one up him. Then in all seriousness he looks at me and says "then we could Diarrhea on people". Yep my beer came out my nose.
And that is some of the shit that makes me laugh!!!!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
Itty Bitty Tittie Committee!!
Well folks this may be TMI for some of you but I have to share.
I am pleased to announce I am the president of the itty bitty tittie committee, and have been since high school. LOL To some of you this may sounds vain and crazy, some of you will understand, and some wont care. HA HA
Ok as you all know I have tiny tiny boobies, omg just saying this makes me laugh so hard!!! I joke that if I shaved my head I could walk around topless and people would think I was a boy. In high school my friends elected me president of the itty bitty titty committee, they both had cantaloupes and watermelons, i have acorns... ): I joke about this subject, but in reality it is the one thing on my body that makes me so uncomfortable. I have never felt like a woman in this area. I feel like a little girl, not sexy, just awkward. I have been talking to Chris about getting a boob job one day. He says he doesn't care he loves me no matter what, which is great but this isn't about him, I would be doing it for me. Well a boob job cost money which we don't have, so........ I got this new bra.
It is the bombshell by Victoria Secret. It is so cool. It is like a shelf to put you boobies on, it gives you volume and lift, like a good shampoo. I was a little skeptical because what if you have nothing to put on the shelf??? Well it helped even me. I have never worn more than a walmart bra, so I didn't even know how to take care of a nice bra. HA HA I am happy because I feel a little better. I will still get some fake boobies one day, but that is a wase down the road. For now I will wear my awesome Boobie shelf bra!!!!!
I am pleased to announce I am the president of the itty bitty tittie committee, and have been since high school. LOL To some of you this may sounds vain and crazy, some of you will understand, and some wont care. HA HA
It is the bombshell by Victoria Secret. It is so cool. It is like a shelf to put you boobies on, it gives you volume and lift, like a good shampoo. I was a little skeptical because what if you have nothing to put on the shelf??? Well it helped even me. I have never worn more than a walmart bra, so I didn't even know how to take care of a nice bra. HA HA I am happy because I feel a little better. I will still get some fake boobies one day, but that is a wase down the road. For now I will wear my awesome Boobie shelf bra!!!!!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
One big happy family!!
So Chris went back to work today, and for the first time in a long time I am sad he is at work. I will see him in three hours when he gets off, but still I miss him. We had hit a little bit of a down spot. Just not feeling like we were on the same page with anything, Teagans discipline, house work, ANYTHING...Well we had a talk about how sad and unhappy it was making me and the kiddos. Thankfully There was a %100 change. Chris helped me so much with our Moms Club end of the year party. We disciplined Teagan the same way. He didn't give in like a push over and by the end of the week Teagan was back to normal. He got thing done around the house with out me begging him or being mad that he didn't do it. He helped me keep the house clean instead of leaving it a disaster. We were also much more connected. Instead of being like room mates we were a couple. It is hard when you have three kiddos under three to connect and stay connected but we have managed. It was time for us to hit a rut, we have been living together for five years. I am just so glad we can talk and work things out. I know I will never have to live unhappy because I can tell my husband everything, and he can tell me anything. Communication is so important. Hopefully his next week is just as great, I am sure it will be.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Playing Russian Roulette While Drinking. YES!!
Now there are some night I get really sick and pretty much black out. For example the other night I went out with my friend Sherridan. I had two jack and cokes and six beers in a five hour period. I ended up puking, blacking out, and being drunk in a scary way. I will be perfectly fine and then all the sudden be so drunk I don't remember anything. This mat sound crazy but I go from buzzed to black out drunk in about 5min. When I get sick like this it can be very scary, just ask Chris and my Mom. I feel very stupid the next day like it is my fault. I truly believe that my Crohns has something to do with it.
Drinking can be like playing Russian roulette. I never know what kind of night it is going to be. This is a very scary thing. I am worried that if my intestines and making my alcohol hit me at once that I could get alcohol poisoning, and potentially die. I wish proctors knew more about Crohns, I wish they could answer questions about things like this. But they don't know, they really don't know much. It really is sad and scary to had a incurable disease that no one know a lot about, and can affect my body in such a scary way.
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