I am watching Toddlers in Tiaras why.......well I couldn't tell you. There is one mom who is a conserative christian, at an all glitz pageant. Needless to say it is redonkuless. Well the whole show is redonkuless. Little girls that look 21, if I were a pedophile I would hang out there!! LOL Ok well this one mom, she was worried about her seven year old showing her shoulders, and she was praying for everything. Literally she is all "god bless us on our pageant", "God touch the hair dressers hands", "Lord help us win", "Oh Jesus Oh Jesus Oh Jesus". She is crazy and it makes me laugh!
Other things that make me laugh...I work well volunteer at the nursery at Crossroads for my membership and daycare. The kids are super funny. There were two seven year olds and they both had an Ipod. One looked at the other and said "is that your personal Ipod?" There were a couple other girls telling me how they are grounded from everything even eating. Kids make me laugh so much, they say the silliest things.
Ok the last thing that made me laugh so hard I almost shot beer out my nose....
We were out side talking to our neighbors. We have had a running joke with them, Tyler the eighteen year old boy bought a semi truck, so we joke we need to get an airplane to keep up with him. Well the other day he got a huge trailer, so big only his semi can pull it. So I look at his dad and say well I guess I need to buy a Jet-Pack to one up him. Then in all seriousness he looks at me and says "then we could Diarrhea on people". Yep my beer came out my nose.
And that is some of the shit that makes me laugh!!!!
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