Well I was beginning to write this Blog, and then Jacob Luck came on American Idol and distracted me, not in a good way. Let me try to pull it together............
I was sitting around today thinking about how lonely I am. Chris went back to work today and that is always the hardest day. I go from spending every waking moment with him to being alone, well not alone I have three kids, but that is more lonely than just being alone. Any who.... I have two friends that I hang out with out side of Moms Club. That is all two, no joke. I am surrounded by lots of other moms in Moms Club but unfortunately I do not feel close to many of them. I am starting to wonder if I am the common denominator. Maybe I do not let people in, or maybe I am just so friggin busy. I am different than a lot of the moms in our Moms Club, I have tattoos, I spank my kiddos, I swear (not around kids), I have a vocal opinion, I am young ( well I was young I am feeling very old), and I enjoy doing naught mommy thing like going to the bar with my two girlies now and then. I have been told by many guys I am intimidating maybe women feel the same way.
I know what my problem is, Chris went back to work. It is crazy how much I enjoy hanging out with him. Ok enough of the woe is me blog. I just ate my weight in pop corn, now my key board is greasy. it is time to go to bed and let my ass absorb the butter from the pop corn.... AHHHHHH Self Sabotage!!!!
Dude, you aren't the common denominator. You are insanely busy, and having three kids and working is super hard, and something that many of the moms in MOMS club just can't understand because they don't live it. I love that you are different, it makes me feel less different. Not all moms can rock tattoos and hawks, and all of those things that set you apart are the things that make you so awesome and my favorite. I totally totally get it, but you aren't alone. If we didn't both have kids I would tell you to come over and spend the night...but that just won't work. But seriously, I adore you and think you are the best, and I'm always here for venting.