Here's whats going on......... When Chris was with out a job and we didn't know when he would be starting again I felt the need to help our family and get a job. Well I got two jobs, technically three. Now that I have all three jobs plus Moms Club and being a mom I am overwhelmed. The problem is I have having a hard time knowing what to drop.
Job 1- Volunteer at the Nursery at the Gym.
This job is only four hours a week. Thursday night from 4pm-8pm. This job allowes to have a gym membership and daycare for free. With out this job I could not afford to have either of theis. Some days the gym is all I have that is mine. I can ditch the kiddos and get my sweat on.
Job 2- Merchandising.

Job 3- Cabinet Designer at Osburn Cabinets.
This job I work in the mornings when Chris is home. It has the potential for great income, but that is a while down the road. I will not see any income for 2-3 months and it will be small spuratic income. It will take a while to make substantial income, and them I will defiantly have to work more than just mornings. There is a little flexibility to my schedule but not much.

I never stop or get to spend much time with my husband. What is the point of having money if you have to time to do anything with it. I would rather has less money and way more time with my family than lots of money and never see my family. I just dont know what to go.....hopefully God will guide me to what is right, for now and long term. AHHHHHH MELTDOWN IN 3........2............1.............
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