So Chris has been out of work for almost a month now. I have to say it has been the best month EVER!!! I love having him home. This last week has taken some adjustment tho, and he has been awesome! I decided I need to find work, something were I would make more money than I have been with loan closings, but still be able to be home and not put the kiddos in daycare. Well like most of you know I did that. I was super worried about Chris being home with the kids. Granted I am not working a full day, but I know how hard it can be to be home alone with the kiddos. Especially for him. Chris is the type of guy who likes to be out working, he prides him self in providing for our family. So Friday I get home from work and the kids are all down for nap and he was doing some laundry. Good Start right?? I think so. Saturday I had to work at the gym and when I got home he house was CLEAN, CLEAN, CLEAN!! I was so impressed. I was worried chris would be overwhelmed and not happy. He is so sweet and so supportive of me working. I think it take a special kind of man to, one agree that me working part time will really help our family, and two take on the house work that he hasn't had to do for two years, He hasn't batted an eye he has stepped right up and help me so much. I still have to tell him the things that need done around the house, but he does them, and doesn't complain. I am so excited to be back to work, but I am even more excited Chris is so excited. I am going to be sad when he goes back to work. Which will hopefully be tomorrow ;) I could use some ideas of a way to show my appreciation to chris......parts for the Jeep....a mini vacation.....or?????? Let me know what you think!
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