Saturday, March 26, 2011

To Pierce or not to Pierce? Part 2

If you missed Part One you can find it here...

So I am now torn on piercing the girls ears. We say a little girl at church the other day and she looked so cute with hers done. She had tiny little earrings, not big diamond like ones. Now I sorta want to get the girls done. AHHHHHH!!!!!!
I have decided that I am either going to go and do it next week or I am not going to do it until they ask. If I wait much longer they will be at the age were they play with them, and I don't want that. Chris has next week off and I will defiantly need him to help me, so it will either happen or we will wait. I cannot make up my mind. I didn't want to do it for two reasons.
1: I wanted to wait until it was their choice.
2: I wanted to have a special mom daughter bonding time doing it.
But after seeing this little girl at church and how cute and nongoddy they can look I want to do it. Plus I feel so bad for my bald little peyton, she needs something girlie about her. LOL
Well I guess we will see in a few days if it happens. Here is just a little something.. in some countrys babies ears are pierced in the hospital right after they are born.


  1. Well both thoughts are your choise. I had mine done and I'm alergic to metal, even 24 ct. gold. My mom was happy she got the earings. Ky never wanted hers done. So I vote for the Mom bonding thing when they ask.Love you all miss you lots. Tracey

  2. Lil B

    I was searching for a GF's blog and came across yours and began reading it. I came to the part where you are considering having your girl's ears in your original post, " To Pierce or Not to Pierce." After reading Part 1 and 2, thought I would write you since I had similar experience wanting originally saying I wanted to wait, the saying I wanted it done!

    What changed my mind in wanting to do it? Well, I kept seeing more babies and little girls with cute earrings, I couldn't resist any longer. I know this can be a HOT topic in some households and families! Sometimes it's the daddy that is anxious & excited about getting his little angels ears pierced. Sometimes the mommy is a strong believer that a girl should decide when she's ready to have her ears pierced. Maybe religion or the child's age that play into your reasoning behind doing it or not doing it.

    I don't think your're crazy wanting your dd's ears pierced. Admittedly, I know a lot of people have strong feelings when to pierce a child's ear. "Let them decide" is being replaced by
    parental decision when mommy intuition knows, "earlier is better" from either personal or friend's experiences of unpleasant childhood ear piercing. I think it just depends on your own personal choice whether or not you wish your baby or little girl to have pierced ears. Some feel perceived gender of their child is important while others find it a cultural tradition where all infant girls have pierced ears.

    Finally, I asked our ped who encouraged me to do ahead and do it earlier rather than later. She said when mommy could care for them was best and if possible before 8 months when they develop a pincer grip and can play with their ears. Our dd was 4 mos when we went ahead. I'd say if you thinking about it, then your mommy intuition is telling earlier is best and I'd go ahead now and do it.

    Our ped has so many moms asking her about it, she put together some suggestions for moms having their dd's ears pierced. I'd be happy to send them to you. She said if they cry it is because of being restrained or the noise of the piercing instrument near their ears, not any pain since their little ears don't have nerve fibers developed till about 8 mos according to our ped.

    Now...why did I choose to get them done this young? First off, the baby will not remember having their ears pierced at all. Secondly, they are not coordinated enough (at 5-6 months old) to touch their newly pierced ears (as our ped said). Thirdly, they cannot fight me when I need to clean them and don't see to mind me turning them and doing what's necessary to have them heal the right way.

    Hopefully, if I've confirmed your own decision to go ahead now, then please write me an e-mail and I'll send you our ped's suggestions. Promise it will make a good experience for both of you.

