So we have been having an on going debate in our house, well since Teagan was born. Now that we have the girls the debate happens more often. We are debating to pierce the girls ears or not. If you can believe it I am the one against it! LOL Chris thinks we should get it done, not for any particular reason other than they are girls. He also thinks when Teagan is fifteen or sixteen he can get a tattoo. I also think this is crazy. The only way Teagan is going to get a tattoo under eighteen is if he is memorializing me, by tattooing a life size head shot of me on his back!!

This is how I feel.... I don't feel like I have the right to make this decision for my girls. I feel getting your ears pierced is a right of passage. I can remembering my mom taking me to get my ears pierced and altho it was not fun, and we had to do it twice. It did not scar me for life. I want my girls to come and ask me to take them to get it done when they are ready. This is something me and my girls can share together and I want them to remember it. Some girls never want to get their ear pierced and who am I to make that decision for them. Teagans tattoo thing is no question he will wait until he is eighteen. I recently learned that even with a parent signature it is illegal to tattoo anyone under eighteen, even your own kids. No one obeys this law, and its not why I think he should wait. I just don't want to be the one to allow him to get a tattoo he may hate forever.
This is my opinion and I know plenty of friends who have pierced their little girls ears and they are cute. I am just not sure it is for me. Let meknow how you feel...
Every1s views are different. What's right for me may not be for you! I think you are right to stand by your beliefs even when others disagree. I pierced my daughters ears @ 2mo. I was against it before I had her. The reason I changed my mind was because I played with my earings a lot when I got mine done (numerous times) & it was not till I was an adult that the piercings healed properly because I was not constantly messing with them. So I decited 2 get hers done young before old enough 2 mess with them so they'd heal right. If she does not want them when she gets older, she can take them out. As for tatts lmao... I wanted a tattoo so badly as a teen I gave myself my own & tattooed my brother with indian ink & needle. When I was 16, my mother consented to have it covered. I was oober excited & loved it! To this day I still love it & thank her for allowing me to have it (them actually) covered. They could use updating but still thankful none the less! So, again is for some not for others. & tho I got my 1st professional tatts @ 16 that does not mean I plan to consent for my kids lol. We will have tocross that bridge when we get there. For now, my kids are still my babies lol & stick ons is all they get! & they still have to be mother approved! Lol! You are a fabulous mom! Stronger than most! & I think its great you stand up for your views on what's right for your kids! :-) you know what they say...."MOTHER KNOWS BEST!" :-)
ReplyDeleteBre you are so so right with your comment. I totally understand why you did your daughters ears, I never thought about it. Thanks for your comment. I enjoy seeing everyons opinion!
ReplyDeleteWhen my girls were little I was the one who wanted to get thier ears pierced and Todd said NO. We came to an agreement that when they could ASK for them, and help take care of them, we would do it. So Sammie was 5 or 6, and Meghan was 8 when they got them done. And to be honest, neither of them could care less about it. We did the whole 'special trip', and it was fun picking out thier first earrings with them. It was a whole girls day and a blast.
ReplyDeleteMelissa that is exactly why I dont want to do it. I want to have that fun special day with them. Glad to hear you had a blast with your girls getting it done!
ReplyDeleteI'll look forward to that for you, boys are great, and hold on to mommy's heart, but girls are just different and loads of fun. There are SO many special things you'll get to look forward to doing with them. My favorite thing when they were little (this is horrible! LOL) is dressing them up like little real life dolls. I would put bows on them, and matching dresses, patent leather shoes and people would stop me on the street to tell me how cute they were. I loved it! I even had people ask me if they were twins alot. LOL! I had such special times with my baby girls, now its on to new things with them, where they love shopping, (and no I can't by matching things anymore), and they come to me with 'bigger' problems. I get to start teaching them about makeup, and they are always texting people. And Samantha is a flirt so I have to teach her to NOT be such a flirt. Its a whole new world, but I wouldn't trade it. Every step with them is a rite of passage, and a milestone.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you on this one. I think it should be a choice, and I don't want my girls to have their ears pierced until they can take care of them themselves, and understand that it is going to hurt. I have multiple piercings and my daughter has never asked why she doesn't have them. And with the tattoo thing...I think 16 is okay for a mature kid. I don't want my kids to get tattoos just for the sake of getting tattoos, but if there is a well thoughtout design that they want and isn't something I think they will regret, I'll probably consent. I got my first tattoo at 16 and it was a great experience for me and my mom, and I still love it.
ReplyDeleteWell brit, i guess this is where you as a parent u do have to make a decision. My mother and Father got my ears pierced when i was a baby, and i am thankful. They used gold studs, with mini diamonds that i will treasure forever. I never wore anything but the studs, until recently because my mother explained that if i wanted to take them out, that i can, and it will close up, but if i keep them in, i cant play with them because they can droop and eventually look funny. She showed me what she meant... (scare tactics) When i was in high school, i went to my mother and asked if what she thought that about me getting a second piercing, and that i would like to have her go with me. This brought tears to her eyes, since this same debate that your having with Chris went down with her and my father. I was able then to have it both ways. I was given the choice, and i kept them. I also was able to share a moment with her by getting them pierced again. So, like i said, it up to u... but this is how my ears were done, and i was still able to have the option.