Ok so I got so many good responses on the piercing subject that I thought I would post another debate Chris and I have. When should a kid get a cell phone? Chris and I almost agree....almost. This is how I feel. I do not understand why a kid under driving age need to be able to get ahold of their friends any time they want. I also do not like the idea of anyone being able to contact my kids at any time. I think the right age for a "real" cell phone is driving age. I know when you play sports you need to get a hold of parents to pick you up. When I was in high school I would call my mom collect and when they said what is your name I would say "come get me". LOL Now that I say it, it sounds a little ghetto!! LOL Now a days they make a cell phone that can only call and receive calls from the numbers you program in it. I think this is a great option for young kids who play sports, but do not need a "real" cell phone. I see so many families out to dinner and their kids are texting. Then you hear about kids up late texting, and having a hard time in school the next day. I know a lot of this is parental regulation, but you do not know who your twelve year old is giving their number to, or who is calling them. I never want to have to go through my kids phone and spy, or question who they are talking to. I think once they can drive is about the right time to loosen the reigns. This is why I think until my kids can drive they will have a phone I can program with who should be calling them. Things have changed so much, when I was a kid you couldn't get on the Internet and stuff with phones. Kids are growing up so fast now, I feel like they loose their innocence, and are way over stimulated, but that is a whole nother blog!!! Let me know what you think about cell phones.
Agree completely.