Monday, June 25, 2012

What's in a name sex opperator edition

The other day at work I was working on my man voice..why I am not sure, but I do a lot of things that cannot be explained. I was saying "put on theis panties"  to all the boys in my best man voice. Well I descovered I do not have a great man voice, which is great news I guess. So I decided that I was gtoing to work on my sex phone opperator voice. Which lead me to decide I need a sex opperator name. While trying to come up with a name and asking others to help me come up with a name I realized how much the sound of your name matters, and can give people an idea about what u look like ect with out even seeing you.

Most the boys were giving me hooker / stripper names like cany, bambi, ect. I was explaining to them that a sex phone opperator name has to be sentual, sexy, exotic, you have to hear the name and want to get naked with that person. A sex opperator should say her name and it should give you the vison of the ultimate woman. Unfortunitaly she is probally 300lb and hasnt showered in a week, but her name says other wise. Sadly Brittany is not one of thoes names. It has to be a name that sounds like it could be a real name, only strippers and brad pitts kids have names like bambi.

Needless to say we never found a good name, well actually I had found a good name on a paint chip sample at home depo. But after a bottle of wine and painting my patio until midnight I forgot. I would love some input!!

HAHA as a side note...while searching for some images for I blog I found a ton of work from home sex opperator job....I am thinking YES!!!!!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Things I love

I have noticed in my life and a lot of my friends life there is a lot of negative going around, I think it is time for some positive!
I have written enough blogs about things I hate that it is time to write one about things I love. Theis things are the weird and quirky things that I love. It is the simple things in life that make me smile and can change my mood around.

1. The smell of lime or lemon on my fingers after squeezing one into water....or beer. If you ever go out to eat with me and I order anything that requires me to squeeze a lime or lemon you can bet I will be sniffing my fingers the rest the night. Some of my friends are so sweet that they let me sniff their fingers.....ok thats

2. Thunder storms at night in the spring and summer. During the day thunder storms are ehhhh ok, but at night. When everything is dark and then there is a big flash of lighting, and loud thunder, and pouring rain. I prefer spring and summer because I can have my windows open.The smell of rain in the summer is so refreshing. I am sure somewhere in the back of my head I am one of those people who wants to have crazy passionate "relations" lol during a thunder storm.

3. Monarch butterflies they are so graceful and beautiful. We get them on our back patio a lot, and I love watching them fly. One day we found on that had just come out of its cocoon it was so neat, to get to hold it.

Ok that's my list for now...I have more but I have three kiddos who want some lunch.