Like today for example...... first he looks at me while I am cleaning our room and says "don't go all crazy cleaning and stuff". So I tell him "this is a normal day". Then he looks at me like if this is a normal day why is the house a disaster. After I looked at him like I was going to kill him he retracted the look and said that's not what he meant. Then tonight he was letting run around with out a diaper. Teagan peed, Chris got upset. What do you expect...!!!! He has no diaper on and he isn't potty trained. Chris says "he just went pee why did he go again"? I mean seriously what did you think was going to happen.
So my question is how to get your husband to go from not having any responsibility's around the house, to having to share the responsibilities. I obviously feel that on his week off we should both be doing the house work, not just me. I know he does not realize what goes into keeping the kids happy and the house clean. I know this will be an adjustment for everyone but what is the best way to ease into it? How do we live together for a week straight? Any ideas would be helpfull!!
lol, well i dont know how to live without Derek for 2 weeks... i guess the only thing that i can put my two cents in is to talk it out, cause no one can read minds. Derek and i are still working on that!
ReplyDeleteYou have to remember to laugh at the fact that he (Teagan) just went, and is "free *birding*" it... and went again... Its no ones fault, it happens. IT Funny, even if its a pain to clean up... your making memories, and later in life you'll be able to look back at this and tell him, in a full page of his yearbook!
My Personal Note On this matter: No one can make anyone do anything, and i suggest to keep that in mind with the potty training... Cause we all know, its up to him, to decide when he is good and ready! right? lol
In case someone makes a F*ing comment, about potty training, and how you should raise your kids: This does NOT,i repeat, DOES NOT reflect how great of parents you are!
((Keep that in mind, cause that's something i have to repeat daily to Ally with her kids... F* Pre-K they really know how to work a mother up))
So im sorry that i cant find a way to help with the week straight... but i know love will pull threw!
Keep your head up, and remember to laugh, smile at the things that are frustrating, because remember that you only live once, and tomorrow is never promised.
I wish you the very best of luck. I have lived this lifestyle for about 4 years now and sometimes it has great benefits like when you want to travel and camp and do fun things like that. Sometimes, however, it can feel like their is all this pressure to make the time that he is home super special all of the time. Maybe not as much as we feel it because he will be home everynight. Either way, it can be really hard. When you are making each other the most crazy, just try to remember how much you missed each other when he had barely no days off at all. This type of schedule can be wonderful for spending quality time together (for some people, for others it means more work on the jeep and more resentment, but Idigress).LOL, just try to remember that all those days off are a blessing and most people don't get the opportunity to spend that much time together.
ReplyDeleteMy husband almost never helps with housework, it is just not how he rolls. So, best of luck with that! I will totally be able to understand how you are feeling in these next coming weeks, so I will be here to listen to you vent at any (and all) times that you need. I recommend not stabbing him, I hear that there is punishment for that. I think they call it spousal abuse or attempted murder or something like that, even if it is totally justified. LOL.
Brandy you make me laugh!! Thanks for the words, I know after a few weeks it will all fall into place. It is just the adjustmant period that is the hardest!
ReplyDeleteDamnyell thank you. I know kids potty train when they are ready.As you mentioned with your friend it is very easy to feel bad when other kids do things your dont, like talking. That is something Teagan doesnt do yet.
Thanks agin for the comments!!