Saturday, March 31, 2012

My lame ass so called friends

I was never going to blog about this because I don't believe theis people deserve my time of day, but I am hurt and I continue to here it is. My best friend Brandy dumped me because she cannot separate our friendship from my friendship with Jen, whom Brandy despises. We had been friends for three years and in those years I listened to her cry, bitch, and moan about how horrible her marriage was. Now that she and her husband are happy she has no time for my problems or for our friendship. She said she was jealous because Jen and I are so close, but Jen is the ONLY person who made an effort to remain my friend when I went back to work. So she dumped me, like texted me it was over and that she will be so sad with out me and Teagan in her life. I guess the twins don't matter. Then a week later she texted me saying I pushed her away and I ended our friendship. All I could think is she is CRAZY.
After she broke up with me I messaged our mutual friend telling them I have no hard feelings and hope they do not feel they need to choose a side. None of them responded making me feel like they already chose a side. I reached out to one and her response was "if you want to unfriend everyone and isolate your self that's your choice".  What a friendly response. I don't understand why women cannot move past the mean catty stage of high school. It is like all my so called friends turned into the stepford wives. Judgy, Mean, Backstabbing, and worst of all "pot calling the kettle black" women. They are one big click, just like the mean girls in high school. I no longer wanna be cool enough to be in that group. They are all older women who are trying way to hard and are way to mean to people. One of theis women even accused my friend Jen of using the death of her two best friends to get attention. Normal people don't say that shit, it is just mean, just plain mean. I DONT want to be associated with people that mean.
When Brandy dumped me four other people jumped on the band wagon and unfriended me as well. What bothers me the most is one of them, Wendy, would call me and make me feel like shit for not having enough time for everyone. She said I didn't hang out enough and i didn't see everyone enough, so I made a real effort to meet everyone needs. Then she just unfriends me like a coward sheep and doest say two words about it. it is so hard to balance a family, full time job, house work, and demanding friends. Expically demanding friends who never invite you out or make plans to see you, but require so much time of you.
I guess all I am trying to say is life changes friendships change, and instead of being demanding and judgy, work on the friendships you care about. Don't demand someone spends a certain amount of time with you, instead make the most of the time you have together. I am so thankful for everyone who has been there for me. You all mean the world to me!!!


  1. They are cuckoo and you don't deserve that. You are an excellent friend and fun to be around, so their loss for sure. The extra weird thing is that Brandy and I were friends one day, and then she despised me the next. If that isn't the definition of whacko I don't know what is. You are awesome, people love you, and everyone else can suck a nut.

  2. I know we don't see each other like hardly ever but your an amazing person , and you deserve so much better than those crazy whack x friends of yours , its there loss , not yours !!! Your an amazing mommy and I first hand no how hard it is to maintain house work , mommy time and husband time plus needy friends , and to add to your plate , a full time job ?!?!?! Honestly britt, I don't no how you do it !!!! True friends will always be there for you , no matter the distance or how long periods of time go without seeing one another , so obviously those girls were never your true friends !!! Keep your head high lady , your better then them and hold a lot more class than them !!! Hope your feeling ok !! Can't wait to see pics of the new and improved ladies haha ;-)

    1. Its easier said than done, but dont let them bother you like that. look inward at how amazing you are. you take such good care of your children, your amazing at your job, you take care of your house, and you still find time to be there for others when it seems clear that you dont have that much time to spare any way. I know its hard, and your feelings have been hurt. its happened to me too, and it sucks. but it does teach you who you can count on and who you cant. so take a moment and look in the mirror and build yourself up with the good you know is in you. it feels good to do that from time to time!!! talk to you later!!!!!!!!!!!!
