Well I decided the cats are going to get a new home, weather I find one for them or I take them to CLAWS an no kill cats shelter in Fruita. Chris was a butt hole about the cats going even tho he insists he was trying to be funny. Here is what he did. He said he was ok with the cats going, he really didn't care. Then he looked at Teagan and said "Teagan how sad are you going to be when mommy get rid of your kitties?" and "How sad will your sisters be when mommy gets rid of your kitties?" That was a shitty thing to do, but he swears he was joking, and Chris doesn't always think about what he is saying. I don't want to get rid of any animals but me and my family come first. I am loosing sleep having an allergie attack every night. Now that I have three kids my tolerance level has gone way down. I am over being tired because I have pets I am allergic to. I cannot even pet them.
Chris and I decided the dogs must go to. I found fresh pee spots in the house two out of the last three nights. Remember theis are big dogs so when they pee in the house it is a HUGE spot. That smell never comes out and once they can smell it they will keep doing it because they are male dogs. They are doing it at night so I cannot punish them in the morning, I don't know which one is doing it. They are not doing it because they aren't getting let out in time. Both spots are almost dry when I find them around 8am. To me that means they are doing it during the night because they can. I asked Chris if he had any ideas on what to do. I said we could make them stay out at night, but they would bark so we would have to put bark collars on them, plus come winter I don't know how we would keep them warm as they have destroyed any bed we have ever put in the garage for them. We decided to sell the dogs because we want to make sure that someone really wants them and can afford to feed them. We don't want someone to be like "oh free great Dane cool I want one" Just because they can. We are also selling them because we have put a ton of money into the dogs, our carpets are going to need to be professionally cleaned or replaced, so if we can sell them to help pay for this why wouldn't we?.. It came to my attention this morning that some people are upset by our choice, but it is our choice. It is not easy for us to do, but the dogs are pets. Our family comes first and when they start destroying the house making it unsanitary and disgusting they have to go. THE END, either be supportive in this hard time or don't say anything. If you have concerns call us. Chris and I made this decision TOGETHER i did not tie him up, hold a gun to his head ect....please just be understanding and supportive. We love our animals and this was a very hard decision for both of us.
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