Well it feels like forever since I last blogged...Here is a little bit of an update on what is going on around here. The cats have gone to a new home. I had a lady contact me about them. She needed a couple cats that would make good mouser cats and good cuddling cats. Well that is my cats, they bring in dead shit and then curl up and want attention!! SOLD!!! Well not really sold only a crazy person would pay for a cat. Now that they are gone, and I hate to admit it, life is a little easier.
Soon Duke will be gone too. He is going to the Rockie Mountain Great Dane Rescue. They contacted us after seeing the dogs ad. After a long conservation with Chris and him admitting he does not want to pick up poop every night we decided to surrender Duke. Why Duke you might ask...Well here is why.. 1. Milo has a relationship with Teagan Duke does not. 2. Duke does really well with other animals, Milo does ok when in a neutral area. 3. We both think Duke will adapt way better than Milo to a new home. 4. Milo has bitten another dog and it would take a lot to get him adopted. Unlike what some of you think this has nothing to do with me liking Milo more, it is simply what is best for our family and kids. Life with one giant dog is so much more manageable than two.
Teagan has been in big boy undies for four days now and he is doing really well. He is DONE with diapers!! YEAH!! Now if only the sister were ready.
I have not blogged in a long time because I have been on the fence about a few things. I have gotten in trouble with one of chris's brothers just for saying his name in a blog (notice no name is used here)! I didn't even say anything bad about him, just his name. Now I am ostracised from the brothers. They wont even be my friends on facebook, and neither acknowledges the girls birthday. It makes it hard to write honestly when people are so harsh, but after some thinking I have decided this is what I do... I like to Blog...So I am going to.
Chris's brothers are still not talking to me...well whats new there. When I piss then off, our family becomes the odd man out, no one talks to us, or they talk to us on a limited basis. This makes the up coming Holidays hard. I really want to spend one holiday with Chris's family. This is the first time he has a whole week off for Thanksgiving and Christmas instead of one day. It is hard to want to drive hours and hours to hang out with people who wont speak to me, and don't acknowledge our kids birthday. I know I am being blamed for the late invite they got to the birthday party, but they should talk to Chris about that. How can I invite you when you don't speak to me, and you cant even be my friend on Facebook?? I left it up to Chris to invite them, I reminded him every couple days to do it. He did it on his own time, it had nothing to do with me. Altho I say this I know no some people will not believe it. I find it funny how to your face and in public everyone acts like everything is great, but the second you turn around they have plenty to say about you. I think we are going to Pueblo for Thanksgiving, I just wish everyone could get along and be honest so it wont have to be a painfully uncomfortable situation.
And last but not least....I need my own reality show!! Why??? Watch for my next blog. Now that I have decided to Blog and not hold back I plan to write on a more constance basis. So watch for the next one!!!
Good for you! :)