I was never going to blog about this because I don't believe theis people deserve my time of day, but I am hurt and I continue to hurt...so here it is. My best friend Brandy dumped me because she cannot separate our friendship from my friendship with Jen, whom Brandy despises. We had been friends for three years and in those years I listened to her cry, bitch, and moan about how horrible her marriage was. Now that she and her husband are happy she has no time for my problems or for our friendship. She said she was jealous because Jen and I are so close, but Jen is the ONLY person who made an effort to remain my friend when I went back to work. So she dumped me, like texted me it was over and that she will be so sad with out me and Teagan in her life. I guess the twins don't matter. Then a week later she texted me saying I pushed her away and I ended our friendship. All I could think is she is CRAZY.
After she broke up with me I messaged our mutual friend telling them I have no hard feelings and hope they do not feel they need to choose a side. None of them responded making me feel like they already chose a side. I reached out to one and her response was "if you want to unfriend everyone and isolate your self that's your choice". What a friendly response. I don't understand why women cannot move past the mean catty stage of high school. It is like all my so called friends turned into the stepford wives. Judgy, Mean, Backstabbing, and worst of all "pot calling the kettle black" women. They are one big click, just like the mean girls in high school. I no longer wanna be cool enough to be in that group. They are all older women who are trying way to hard and are way to mean to people. One of theis women even accused my friend Jen of using the death of her two best friends to get attention. Normal people don't say that shit, it is just mean, just plain mean. I DONT want to be associated with people that mean.
When Brandy dumped me four other people jumped on the band wagon and unfriended me as well. What bothers me the most is one of them, Wendy, would call me and make me feel like shit for not having enough time for everyone. She said I didn't hang out enough and i didn't see everyone enough, so I made a real effort to meet everyone needs. Then she just unfriends me like a coward sheep and doest say two words about it. it is so hard to balance a family, full time job, house work, and demanding friends. Expically demanding friends who never invite you out or make plans to see you, but require so much time of you.
I guess all I am trying to say is life changes friendships change, and instead of being demanding and judgy, work on the friendships you care about. Don't demand someone spends a certain amount of time with you, instead make the most of the time you have together. I am so thankful for everyone who has been there for me. You all mean the world to me!!!
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Little Boys
No one prepares you for how silly, funny, disgusting, and sweet little boys can be. I swear every day Teagan makes me laugh, and want to cry all at the same time. I defiantly was not prepared for the things little boys do. Here is some of the things Teagan does that makes me so happy I have a little boy (ok some of the things creep me out, but they are sill fun).
1. He thinks his dewy is AMAZING and he is only three. At walmart the other day he was standing in the basket and leaning against it so his dewy was poking in between to bars. He thought it was so funny to poke it and laugh. i continued to push the cart like nothing was happening, but I couldn't stop laughing. He had pants on but it was still so weird, but oh so funny. After about five minutes of this I started steering the cart crazy so he couldn't get his dewy that close to the side of the cart. The other night while changing for bed he informed me that he had a big dewy. LOL
2. He says and does the silliest things. the other night he told me my belly button was full of pee and it smelled bad. Where does he come up with this crap. He also thinks it is funny to follow people around and smell their butts and say they stink. LOL It is very weird having him jam his nose in my butt when I don't expect it, thank goodness I don't walk around naked! LOL
3. Last but not least he is such a sweet heart. He is a tornado and a crazy boy most the time, but when you really get to know him he is so sweet and tender. Tonight was the first time he has sat through a whole movie, and it was so nice to snuggle and have popcorn. He warm my heart and everyday it just gets better. i told him thank you for watch a movie with me and he said love you mama..awwww. For those of you who don't know Teagan has a speech delay and he didn't say mom or mama right until about six months ago so him saying love you mama is one of the most magic things ever!
i know the girls will warm my heart just as much the older they get, but i think little boys have a different way of warming hearts.
Boys are amazing, silly, and so sweet. I am so blessed to have such a super little man in my life!!!
2. He says and does the silliest things. the other night he told me my belly button was full of pee and it smelled bad. Where does he come up with this crap. He also thinks it is funny to follow people around and smell their butts and say they stink. LOL It is very weird having him jam his nose in my butt when I don't expect it, thank goodness I don't walk around naked! LOL
3. Last but not least he is such a sweet heart. He is a tornado and a crazy boy most the time, but when you really get to know him he is so sweet and tender. Tonight was the first time he has sat through a whole movie, and it was so nice to snuggle and have popcorn. He warm my heart and everyday it just gets better. i told him thank you for watch a movie with me and he said love you mama..awwww. For those of you who don't know Teagan has a speech delay and he didn't say mom or mama right until about six months ago so him saying love you mama is one of the most magic things ever!
i know the girls will warm my heart just as much the older they get, but i think little boys have a different way of warming hearts.
Boys are amazing, silly, and so sweet. I am so blessed to have such a super little man in my life!!!
Monday, March 12, 2012
New boobs??? I think so!
Some of you may be asking why I would want to tell the world my "dirty little secret", but I don't think it is a dirty secret...yes that's right, i am getting new boobs, and I am not ashamed of it in the least. I feel like I am doing this for all the right reasons. I know to some it seams vain, but those of you who feel that way prolly have boobs, and have no idea what it is like to not have them. I also know I am doing this for the right reason and I am not ashamed. I feel like it is easier to just be honest and tell everyone upfront what I am doing instead of having people talking behind my back. Here are the things that lead me to my decision.
1. I do not feel like a girl in the least, when I cant wear my AMAZING victory secret bra (you can read about it here....http://lilbrulestheworldtheend.blogspot.com/2011/06/itty-bitty-tittie-committee.html I have always been lacking in the boob department. I didn't even get bob when I was preggo, my boobs didn't work. I never made milk. i have always been small, and being athletic makes it even worse. When I wear my awesome bra I feel normal, but in a swim suit, or heaven forbid someone sees me naked and my confidence sinks.
2. my kids are old enough to not need picked up all the time, but not old enough to remember this. i NEVER want my girls to feel like they need bigger boobs because mom did. I think it sends the wrong message. I would rather them grow up thinking this is how i always looked. Watching me get new boob could make them insecure if they understood what was going on.
3. This decision is MINE and MINE alone. This is the most important thing. Getting something like this done should be for you and you alone. You should never do it for someone els. I have wanted this forever, but I have waited until I was done having kids, and until I was at a point in my life were I would get to big and crazy.
I am getting them done on March 29th, by Dr.Urban. I called EVERY plastic surgeon in the valley and his office is the only one that made me feel comfortable and asked me questions. Most offices just said the fee is .... when do you want your appointment. Dr. Urban staff asked me lots of questions and made me feel really good. I am so excited about this!!!!!
Like I said before this is a very personal decision, and a controversial decision. I welcome opinions, but please be nice, and take my feelings and reasons for doing this into consideration. YEAH BOOBIES!!!!!
1. I do not feel like a girl in the least, when I cant wear my AMAZING victory secret bra (you can read about it here....http://lilbrulestheworldtheend.blogspot.com/2011/06/itty-bitty-tittie-committee.html I have always been lacking in the boob department. I didn't even get bob when I was preggo, my boobs didn't work. I never made milk. i have always been small, and being athletic makes it even worse. When I wear my awesome bra I feel normal, but in a swim suit, or heaven forbid someone sees me naked and my confidence sinks.
2. my kids are old enough to not need picked up all the time, but not old enough to remember this. i NEVER want my girls to feel like they need bigger boobs because mom did. I think it sends the wrong message. I would rather them grow up thinking this is how i always looked. Watching me get new boob could make them insecure if they understood what was going on.
I am getting them done on March 29th, by Dr.Urban. I called EVERY plastic surgeon in the valley and his office is the only one that made me feel comfortable and asked me questions. Most offices just said the fee is .... when do you want your appointment. Dr. Urban staff asked me lots of questions and made me feel really good. I am so excited about this!!!!!
Like I said before this is a very personal decision, and a controversial decision. I welcome opinions, but please be nice, and take my feelings and reasons for doing this into consideration. YEAH BOOBIES!!!!!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
I'm back bitches!!!
Well I have not been here in a VERY VERY long time, but after some consideration, and some major life events I decided to start blogging again!!!! YEAH! I know everyone is so excited they just peed a little..or maybe it was just me! lol
I have so many life updates, and exciting things that happen to me throughout out the day and I miss sharing / venting/ bitching / and some slightly drunk blogging!! you can ready my first drunk blog here....http://lilbrulestheworldtheend.blogspot.com/2011/04/drunkin-ramblings.html
I am excited to change it up a bit and get back to blogging, my goal is to blog at least once a week, maybe more, but once would be perfect! So much had happened since I blogged, I got my job, the kids stated daycare, plus all the crazy everyday things that happen to me at work..like shrink wrapping my friends car, being call Harry Potters wife, being told I am crack-a-luscious, and much more!!
I know not everyone will enjoy or agree with the things I say, but that is ok. My opinion is never going to please everyone, and I understand that. I just ask that you keep you comments, nice even if you disagree.
I hope you enjoy my new adventure into blogging and I cant wait to share with everyone!!!!!
I have so many life updates, and exciting things that happen to me throughout out the day and I miss sharing / venting/ bitching / and some slightly drunk blogging!! you can ready my first drunk blog here....http://lilbrulestheworldtheend.blogspot.com/2011/04/drunkin-ramblings.html
I am excited to change it up a bit and get back to blogging, my goal is to blog at least once a week, maybe more, but once would be perfect! So much had happened since I blogged, I got my job, the kids stated daycare, plus all the crazy everyday things that happen to me at work..like shrink wrapping my friends car, being call Harry Potters wife, being told I am crack-a-luscious, and much more!!
I know not everyone will enjoy or agree with the things I say, but that is ok. My opinion is never going to please everyone, and I understand that. I just ask that you keep you comments, nice even if you disagree.
I hope you enjoy my new adventure into blogging and I cant wait to share with everyone!!!!!
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