Monday, February 28, 2011

Dear Goverment YOU SUCK!!!!

Go to fullsize imageSo I am on a quest to get my kiddos on Medicaid and it is not going well. Let me start from the beginning. Chris was told come and get you stuff or go work in Texas. Who in their right mind would elect to go to Texas, not I. Needless to say he went and got his stuff. He has a job lined up and should be starting in the next week so it is nice to have some time with him before he goes back to working. His new job is going to be way better...anywho....
I went down on Tuesday last week to get us enrolled in Medicaid. I filled out the application and took everything I thought I would need. I asked the lady if I could talk to someone, or if she could look over it and let me know if I was missing something. She said "If you are missing something we will send you a letter". WHAT!!!! A LETTER!!!! How inefficient is that, I want to know now! Then I ask her what the process is, she doesn't know, great. Then she tells me I need paycheck stubs, two of them all from the month of February. I finally got the last one in the mail the other day, so I took it to them today. Again I asked what the process is, with no helpful response. I asked to talk to someone who reviews the applications but she was not in so they asked me to leave her a note. I was telling my mom about this and she had a good point. They do not have to have customer service because, they are not a business, and they don't care if I give them repeat business. After thinking it over I decided to call every day until I get my answers. So misses what ever your name is you can expect me to leave to a message everyday until you respond. If I still receive no response I will be forced to stage a protest dressed in my toga, because that how I roll! HA I will keep you updated on my quest!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Hogs Gone Wild

I am sitting here watching T.V with the hubby and I am disturbed by what I see. First I want to say I am not a member of PETA well if it stands for People Eating Tasty Animals I might be a member!! LOL Ok I believe in hunting, my hubby hunts, but I believe animals should not be tortured or killed in an inhumane way. Which to some people hunting is. Anywho.......This show is all about wild hogs, how bad they are, and what companies do to get rid of them. I understand how bad wild hogs can be, how they spread disease, destroy things, and kill people and animals. In this show the two men capturing, well killing, the hogs uses dogs to bit the hogs neck while they hog tie the legs. This hog was expically big so they had to use two dogs to bite and hold the hogs head. They couldn't control the hog so they just gutted it. They most disturbing part was not that the hog had to die, but how the hog screamed. The sound was very disturbing.
There is documentary I watch not long ago called "Blood Dolphins" This is just a short video about it. I will never go to sea world because they get their dolphins from this country in Japan.
Animal Planet is going to have a series about the people attempting to stop this killing. I know I will cry but I will still watch it. They have microphones in the water and when the dolphins are killed it is horrible and sad. The dolphins swim circles around the dead or dieing dolphin. The Japanese are very sneaky about his killing, and get very mad at people taking video. You can tell they know what they are doing is wrong It is touching I recommend watching the whole documentary if you have time.
My point is.... I understand animals have to die, but I think it could be a little more humane. I am sure this is just the softy in me. The weird thing is I feel this way about all animals, but I eat them and I enjoy it. I just don't believe animals should suffer, cant they just put the gas mask on them! LOL

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How do you co-habitate with your husband??

Go to fullsize imageFor the last two - three years Chris has had the kind of job where we do not spend a lot of long periods of time together at the house. Soon he will be spending a week home straight, and I am not sure how to do it with out stabbing him! LOL Normally on his days off we do nothing but hang out, no cleaning or stressing about the house being dirty. I don't think this is possible to do for a week straight, the house would be trashed!!! You should see it after the two days he is home. The reason I am so worried about about having to finally live together is because the last few days this have been a preview of what to come.
Like today for example...... first he looks at me while I am cleaning our room and says "don't go all crazy cleaning and stuff". So I tell him "this is a normal day". Then he looks at me like if this is a normal day why is the house a disaster. After I looked at him like I was going to kill him he retracted the look and said that's not what he meant. Then tonight he was letting run around with out a diaper. Teagan peed, Chris got upset. What do you expect...!!!! He has no diaper on and he isn't potty trained. Chris says "he just went pee why did he go again"? I mean seriously what did you think was going to happen.
So my question is how to get your husband to go from not having any responsibility's around the house, to having to share the responsibilities. I obviously feel that on his week off we should both be doing the house work, not just me. I know he does not realize what goes into keeping the kids happy and the house clean. I know this will be an adjustment for everyone but what is the best way to ease into it? How do we live together for a week straight? Any ideas would be helpfull!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cellphones and Kiddos

Go to fullsize imageOk so I got so many good responses on the piercing subject that I thought I would post another debate Chris and I have. When should a kid get a cell phone? Chris and I almost agree....almost. This is how I feel. I do not understand why a kid under driving age need to be able to get ahold of their friends any time they want. I also do not like the idea of anyone being able to contact my kids at any time. I think the right age for a "real" cell phone is driving age. I know when you play sports you need to get a hold of parents to pick you up. When I was in high school I would call my mom collect and when they said what is your name I would say "come get me". LOL Now that I say it, it sounds a little ghetto!! LOL Now a days they make a cell phone that can only call and receive calls from the numbers you program in it. I think this is a great option for young kids who play sports, but do not need a "real" cell phone. I see so many families out to dinner and their kids are texting. Then you hear about kids up late texting, and having a hard time in school the next day. I know a lot of this is parental regulation, but you do not know who your twelve year old is giving their number to, or who is calling them. I never want to have to go through my kids phone and spy, or question who they are talking to. I think once they can drive is about the right time to loosen the reigns. This is why I think until my kids can drive they will have a phone I can program with who should be calling them. Things have changed so much, when I was a kid you couldn't get on the Internet and stuff with phones. Kids are growing up so fast now, I feel like they loose their innocence, and are way over stimulated, but that is a whole nother blog!!! Let me know what you think about cell phones.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

To Pierce or not to Pierce?

Go to fullsize imageSo we have been having an on going debate in our house, well since Teagan was born. Now that we have the girls the debate happens more often. We are debating to pierce the girls ears or not. If you can believe it I am the one against it! LOL Chris thinks we should get it done, not for any particular reason other than they are girls. He also thinks when Teagan is fifteen or sixteen he can get a tattoo. I also think this is crazy. The only way Teagan is going to get a tattoo under eighteen is if he is memorializing me, by tattooing a life size head shot of me on his back!!
Go to fullsize imageThis is how I feel.... I don't feel like I have the right to make this decision for my girls. I feel getting your ears pierced is a right of passage. I can remembering my mom taking me to get my ears pierced and altho it was not fun, and we had to do it twice. It did not scar me for life. I want my girls to come and ask me to take them to get it done when they are ready. This is something me and my girls can share together and I want them to remember it. Some girls never want to get their ear pierced and who am I to make that decision for them. Teagans tattoo thing is no question he will wait until he is eighteen. I recently learned that even with a parent signature it is illegal to tattoo anyone under eighteen, even your own kids. No one obeys this law, and its not why I think he should wait. I just don't want to be the one to allow him to get a tattoo he may hate forever.
This is my opinion and I know plenty of friends who have pierced their little girls ears and they are cute. I am just not sure it is for me. Let meknow how you feel...

Friday, February 11, 2011

Beauty is only skin deep. Right??

So I know what is wrong with the world today. Beauty and the way you look is to important to everyone. I was watching Dr Phil yesterday and the man on the show was striving for perfection. He has had over 40 cosmetic surgeries.  He has even had muscle implants for his biceps and pecks. His pecks look like really badly done boobies!LOL I personally think he looks a little scary, very plastic and womanly. Why is this perfection??

 What about Heidi, I know she is brain washed and married to a psycho. Why does she think this is beauty?
Go to fullsize image
She looks like a she-devil. Today on Dr Phil there are showing girls from Toddlers and Tiaras which, is a whole new subject. On the preview they show a woman telling a little girl she is ugly, and no one thinks she is pretty. Does she not know she is single handily turning her daughter into a slut. If she cannot get validation from her parents she will get it from who ever she can.

I know how mean people can be, in high school a mean boy referred to me as the toothless wonder for the first two years of my high school career. I was missing two of my teeth and could do nothing about it until I got my braces off. I was miserable when ever I saw him and I would even duck and hide in the bathroom. Then one day I got my braces off, some little fake teeth, and some confidence. He later asked me to go to a party with him, and my response was "Hell no, DUESCHEBAG"! LOL

Now that I have little girls I worry so much about how they will feel about them self's. I want then to love them self's so much that I could give them a mullet and they will still think they are so cool. I plan to tell my girls they are beautiful and amazing everyday. I will never tell them they are ugly. That does no mean I am going to let them wear things like high-waters, because that will just get them made fun of. But I am going to let them be who they want and I am going to raise them up, love them, and try to instill the most confidence in them I can. I don't have the best confidence (surprising hu, I fake it until I make it), but this I am going to work on. I am going to lead by example. This all goes for Teagan as well. Trust me little boys get made fun of and can scar them for life, just ask my husband. So if Teagan get a little chunky, because he is bound too, no one in our family will ever call him fat or make fun of him. Kids get enough harshness from the outside world, when they are home they need to feel safe and loved!

Now I am going to go hug my kiddos!

Monday, February 7, 2011

I need this

View ImageSo rcently my husband has been making fun of me and the few thing I have right now that are my own, including my blog. I know he doesn’t mean to hurt my feelings but it does. He has no idea what it is like to spend days alone with three kids. I always have someone with me, and it is one of the loneliest feelings ever. I know this doesn’t make much sence, but to a few people it will. My husband makes fun of me and being so involved in Moms Club. This club is a great way to have adult conversation and make friends. It can be a way to escape my mundane life for a couple of hours a week. He also makes fun of me and my gossip with my mom and friends. He likes to call me “Desperate Housewife”. I have no one to talk to other than my mom and few friends that I have left. Now he is making fun of my Blog, he says he doesn’t get it  and its weird. It is the one thing I have right now that is mine, all mine. He has no idea how hard it is to go from being successful, feeling important, and having tons of social interaction, to a thankless, friendless, 24hour a day  job. Before I had kids I designed houses not only were I live, but multi million dollar homes in Aspen, and on the monument. I love my kiddos dearly, but at times I feel useless, unappreciated, and not an equal to the working class. I need thing that are mine, this blog is one. I enjoy putting my thought and feelings out there for everyone to read. In the next month I am going to be putting together a business plan to start my own design firm. I am super excited and nervous about this!! What I am doing now is the most important job in the world, I am raising my kids. Not a daycare, or babysitter ME. They will have our family values (hopefully), our beliefs, and God willing turn into successful adults because of me. I know my job is the important job in the world, it is just hard to remember that.


So in talking to my husband tonight he has decided he is now addicted to energy drinks. In the last two weeks he spent about $50 on them (birthday money) and has gained five pounds. LOL I think he will always be addicted to something, but why not something healthy. I guess like they say “to much of anything even a good thing is too much”. First he was a boozer, then chewing tobacco, now energy drinks. He was a boozer when I first met him, he stopped this soon after we got together. The chewing tobacco has been on and off. My only rule is not at home because 1: It’s disgusting, 2: Teagan could see you do it and think its ok, and 3: Its DISGUSTING!!!! He newest addiction makes me laugh, but on a serious note…It got me to thinking, watch out world the wheels are turning, smoke is pouring out my ears!!!
Is addiction a learned behavior or in your genes. Do you become an addict because it is what you are tought. Well tought may be the wrong word. It is what you see as you grow up, so you think it is normal. You are raised around addiction so you do not see what you do as wrong or dangerous?
Are you born that way. If closely related members of you family (ex mom, dad, grandparents) are addicts are you more likely to be one because of your genes. Is addiction something you can inherited like the color of your eyes? If you are born this way how do you stop the cycle?
I am not sure how I feel, I think in a way you are tought to be an addict, in other cases i feel some people are just born with a highly addictive personality.
Let me know what you think……

Do I look like I have brain damage??

View ImageSo before getting my well needed pedicure I stopped to buy a sandwich from Safeway. I ordered a turkey with guac, lettuce, tom, and mayo YUMMY!!!!! Plus they have a deal if your sandwich isn’t ready in three minutes it is free, SCORE!!! So I started my stop watch and ordered. Any who…. The girl making it was giving my weird looks and it started to bother me. So four minutes go buy and my sandwich is finally done. I think to my self “Ha Ha I just got a free sandwich BITCH WHAT”? Then the girl proceeds to ask how old I am and I tell her twenty-five. At this point I realize I am half way to thirty :( Then she says I think we went to school together. I tell her I went to Palisade and graduated in 04. The she says “Oh I went to a special high school because I had a brain injury, so never mind”. At this point I cannot bring my self to ask for my sandwich for free, I finish paying and then say “Well it looks like you are functioning ok now”!!!Then I run away and allow the nice asian ladies to pain my toe nail as brand calls if safety vest orange!
 What is wrong with me LOL

Yes I vacuum my dogs!

Well I am now feeling high-class because I broke down and bought a Dyson vacuum! I had a hard time bringing myself to spend the money but I think in the long run it will save us money. I could go on and on about the list of thing I like about the vacuum, but this is my number one!
YES we vacuum our dogs!!