Monday, February 7, 2011


So in talking to my husband tonight he has decided he is now addicted to energy drinks. In the last two weeks he spent about $50 on them (birthday money) and has gained five pounds. LOL I think he will always be addicted to something, but why not something healthy. I guess like they say “to much of anything even a good thing is too much”. First he was a boozer, then chewing tobacco, now energy drinks. He was a boozer when I first met him, he stopped this soon after we got together. The chewing tobacco has been on and off. My only rule is not at home because 1: It’s disgusting, 2: Teagan could see you do it and think its ok, and 3: Its DISGUSTING!!!! He newest addiction makes me laugh, but on a serious note…It got me to thinking, watch out world the wheels are turning, smoke is pouring out my ears!!!
Is addiction a learned behavior or in your genes. Do you become an addict because it is what you are tought. Well tought may be the wrong word. It is what you see as you grow up, so you think it is normal. You are raised around addiction so you do not see what you do as wrong or dangerous?
Are you born that way. If closely related members of you family (ex mom, dad, grandparents) are addicts are you more likely to be one because of your genes. Is addiction something you can inherited like the color of your eyes? If you are born this way how do you stop the cycle?
I am not sure how I feel, I think in a way you are tought to be an addict, in other cases i feel some people are just born with a highly addictive personality.
Let me know what you think……

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