Thursday, March 31, 2011
Medical Marijuana
Ok so I know this is a hot topic, so please I welcome your feed back, and this is how I feel about it!
Here in the wonderful town of Grand Junction, Colorado we have a medical marijuana dispensaries on every corner. There is no need to even have a real need for a medical marijuana card. A wanna be Dr can prescribe you one over the Internet. Trust me a reported for the paper did an undercover story. She met in a coffee house with a person from the dispensaries and had a video chat with a Dr to get her card. Yesterday I was driving down the street and the guy in the car next to me was smoking a bowl. REALLY??? Well after a second glance yes it was a bowl and I am sure it wasn't full of tobacco. The man probably had his medical marijuana card, so no big deal right. NO WAY!!!!!
Ok so I totally understand how marijuana can help with medical problems. Trust me I have Crohn's and when it is bad I could smoke and feel a lot better. I could hold food down and my pains wouldn't be so bad. Now keep in mind that I do not do that, mainly because I have kids and I feel irresponsible doing that. Anywhos..... I think marijuana is right for some people. Why isn't it regulated by pharmacy's like any other prescription? Why are they allowed to make suckers and other items that kids will be attracted to? I think if you have a prescription for marijuana you should go to a pharmacy and fill it. That way hows it grown, whats in it, and how you consume it can be regulated. Tequila makes a great antidepressant. I am sure if I paid enough a "wanna be Dr" could write me a prescription. Then I could drive all my kiddos around drinking my tequila singing Lady GaGa at the top of my lungs! LOL If you use your medical marijuana responsibly (not while driving) I think that's great. Common people what were we thinking letting dispensaries hand out marijuana. I don't care what anyone says it is addictive and a gate way drug, but if used the right way can be very helpfull to people who really need it.Watch out next time you hit the road. I may be out there with my new medical tequila prescription!!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Burger King. GRRRRR!!!!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Everbody Poops!!
So the girls were crying so I went to change them. I laid Charlie on the floor, changed her all is good. I laid peyton on the floor next only to realise she had a big blow out and now there is a huge poop stain on the carpet. Well I continue to try to change her and Chralie rolls over and puts her hand in the poop! What was I supposed to do lay
Peyton down to clean the poop, which would result in more poop stains, or continue to hold peyton try to keep everyone away from the poop. So I get Peyton cleaned up lay her down, clean up charlie, and clean the poop off the carpet. Then I realize Peyton made it to the diaper I took off her and now she has poop in her again!!!! AHHHHH.
Well I get Peyton cleaned up and I am trying to get a diaper on her, which at this point should be an Olympic event, and out of the corner of my eye what do I see......... Charlie crawling towards the dirty diaper! AHHH. Luckily I stop Charlie, get the diaper on Peyton and all is good. Thank God Teagan was out side. he is like a magnet for poop. Poop is now his favorite word, he can even tell you poop comes from his but, and when you flush the toilet after pooping he waves and says "Bye bye poop"
Saturday, March 26, 2011
To Pierce or not to Pierce? Part 2
If you missed Part One you can find it here...
So I am now torn on piercing the girls ears. We say a little girl at church the other day and she looked so cute with hers done. She had tiny little earrings, not big diamond like ones. Now I sorta want to get the girls done. AHHHHHH!!!!!!
I have decided that I am either going to go and do it next week or I am not going to do it until they ask. If I wait much longer they will be at the age were they play with them, and I don't want that. Chris has next week off and I will defiantly need him to help me, so it will either happen or we will wait. I cannot make up my mind. I didn't want to do it for two reasons.
1: I wanted to wait until it was their choice.
2: I wanted to have a special mom daughter bonding time doing it.
But after seeing this little girl at church and how cute and nongoddy they can look I want to do it. Plus I feel so bad for my bald little peyton, she needs something girlie about her. LOL
Well I guess we will see in a few days if it happens. Here is just a little something.. in some countrys babies ears are pierced in the hospital right after they are born.
So I am now torn on piercing the girls ears. We say a little girl at church the other day and she looked so cute with hers done. She had tiny little earrings, not big diamond like ones. Now I sorta want to get the girls done. AHHHHHH!!!!!!
I have decided that I am either going to go and do it next week or I am not going to do it until they ask. If I wait much longer they will be at the age were they play with them, and I don't want that. Chris has next week off and I will defiantly need him to help me, so it will either happen or we will wait. I cannot make up my mind. I didn't want to do it for two reasons.
1: I wanted to wait until it was their choice.
2: I wanted to have a special mom daughter bonding time doing it.
But after seeing this little girl at church and how cute and nongoddy they can look I want to do it. Plus I feel so bad for my bald little peyton, she needs something girlie about her. LOL
Well I guess we will see in a few days if it happens. Here is just a little something.. in some countrys babies ears are pierced in the hospital right after they are born.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
It takes a special kind of man.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
The first day Jitters
Wow I have not blogged in a while, guess I have been bust or lazy. This last week I tried to get my job at Osburn Cabinets back. I didn't think they would call me, mainly because the market is so slow. Well they did and I got my job back. I am so excited!!!! It is a full commission position and going to take a lot of work, but I still get to stay home with my kiddos. Tomorrow is my first day back, I have not worked a "real" job in two and a half years. I am a little nervous, excited and think I may pee my pants! LOL Luckily all the same guys work there and I know everyone. I am excited to work on getting my name out there. I know I am going to have to work my ass off, but I also know I can do it. Well wish me luck, and if you ever need cabinets let me know. I can do kitchens, bathrooms, laundry, mud rooms, offices, and even entertainment centers!!!! Well off to bed, going to try and get some sleep to start my new day!! YEAH I AM WORKIN MOMMA!!!!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Primerica, What a Joke!!
Ok so Chris has been out of a job for a couple weeks now. He was supposed to start his new job with in a week of training, which was a week ago. Now they are hem-hawing about when he is going to start. With that said I thought I would check out the job market. If I could work for the next few weeks he is home at least it would be something.
I have seen this add in the paper a few times:
Part time or full
Grorge Rau
So I call thinking well part time I may even be able to do when Chris goes back to work. I call George, give him some of my info and he tells me he would love for me to come in for a casual interview, if I have a resume bring it but if not it's ok. Ok sounds good so I get dressed and go.
Primerica is a company who helps middle class America (or people like me and most my friends) get out of debt, invest in your future, and purchase the correct amount of life insurance. Well this is what they tell you.
So I show up to the interview, I walk in and the main room has a bunck of chairs in a circle around a projector and screen. The room is unorganized and not professional in any way. This was red flag number one. I hand George my resume and he doesn't even read it, he really doesn't care what my background is I know realize, red flag number two. So I ask the guy if they are one of the top companies in America why I never see advertisement. He said they do not advertise. Red Flag number three. So he goes through his spiel about the company expanding, and how they help people, and blah, blah, blah.....
Any who he invites me back for a meeting tomorrow. He says they normally have a business meeting on Tuesday night and I could join in. I agree and come home to do more homework.
After googling "primerica scam" I find that they are a pyramid scheme company. They make money by hiring as many minion's they can find. What kind of company can be successful and not advertise at all? They don't care who you are, where you came from, or if you have any schooling. They get you sucked in and make you believe you can earn lots of money easy, but its not true. For anyone looking for a job stay away from Primerica. I was a no call no show for this meeting and George is still calling me asking me to meet with him again. Why would you want to hire someone who no called no showed to your meeting?? Because you are A SCAM!!!!!
Friday, March 4, 2011
BYU's Honor Code
It is nice to finally see a school not giving a star athlete preferential treatment. He knew when deciding to attend the school that they had an honor code, he knew what was in the honor code, and if he didn't agree with it he shouldn't have signed it. Al tho I think some of the things in the code are weird and over the top, I also understand the back ground of that code and where the rules come from. Thank you BYU for not buckling under the pressure of winning March Madness and upholding the values of your school.
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