Saturday, April 30, 2011
I am not a slut bitch
Ok first I want to say yes I am a tad bit drunk. Any who..... I was planning on a nice night at home until my hubby kicked me out, with no were els to go I met up with some firends. When I got to the bar I saw my brother in law, said hi and told him he should go hang with chris because he kicked me out and he had nothing to do. Well the night conituines and one of the girls my friend was with passes out and gets kicked out, my brother in law offers me a ride home, but then tells me I should be carefull, because he saw a guy smack my ass. UM OK???? I have no controll over that. Yes I danced, well two stepped with a guy, so what, chris knows. Needless to say I found my own ride home because I dont need judgy mcjudgy telling chris every little move I make. We are happy in our marrage, no infalidate on this end THANK YOU!!!!! Dont tell me I should be carefull I am a big girl and I love my hubby. So go ahead call him when you get up MORE POWER TO YOU!!!! I dont cheat, I dont see other guys, leave me alone. I dont need to feel judged. Maybe you should look in the mirror. I am not fake we have our issues, but nothing like that. I am so greatefull he gave me a night off. I would never do anything to hurt him. I guess if I were you I would think the worst of every girl too. WHATEVER!!!!!!!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
What kind of Porn do you watch?
Here is the list:
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Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Friends comming out of the wood work.
So recently I posted about not having many friends and being surrounded by so many women but not feeling close to any of them. Well you can read it here....
I would just like to say I am not having a pity party for my self when I write thing like this. I can only vent to my husband so much and this is the only place I have to vent. It all most makes me feel worse when people read a blog like that and then decide they want to be good friends. Ok I know I am a hard person to please! What I am trying to say is, when I write a blog about not having friends it does not mean I want a bunch of friends who are only my friend when it is beneficial for them or makes them feel good. I too am guilty of this. I have a friend who is the middle of a life long renovation of their home. One day she posted that she needs it done sooner than later because it is driving her nuts. Well I posted that I can help anytime, but I never offered to help before that. I think some time when she see a person is having a hard time we feel the need to say we will help. It makes us feel better about our self's. I recently received an invitation to a party that made me feel like an after thought because the RSPV date had passed by more than a week. i think the person who sent it read my blog and felt the need to invite me. Needless to say I didn't attend. I feel like I am not always totally honest with my feeling on my blog because I don't want to hurt any ones feeling. This has to stop because this is were I get it out. Well I guess all I am trying to say is I don't need pitty friends. All I really need is a shower, I stink!!!!LOL Maybe that's why I don't have friends!!!! LOL
I would just like to say I am not having a pity party for my self when I write thing like this. I can only vent to my husband so much and this is the only place I have to vent. It all most makes me feel worse when people read a blog like that and then decide they want to be good friends. Ok I know I am a hard person to please! What I am trying to say is, when I write a blog about not having friends it does not mean I want a bunch of friends who are only my friend when it is beneficial for them or makes them feel good. I too am guilty of this. I have a friend who is the middle of a life long renovation of their home. One day she posted that she needs it done sooner than later because it is driving her nuts. Well I posted that I can help anytime, but I never offered to help before that. I think some time when she see a person is having a hard time we feel the need to say we will help. It makes us feel better about our self's. I recently received an invitation to a party that made me feel like an after thought because the RSPV date had passed by more than a week. i think the person who sent it read my blog and felt the need to invite me. Needless to say I didn't attend. I feel like I am not always totally honest with my feeling on my blog because I don't want to hurt any ones feeling. This has to stop because this is were I get it out. Well I guess all I am trying to say is I don't need pitty friends. All I really need is a shower, I stink!!!!LOL Maybe that's why I don't have friends!!!! LOL
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Ok so tonight we had a girls night which I totally needed!!!! So first we went to Baily's which is a hotel bar. There was this guy with total bug eyes, like popping out of his head, I guess this was normal for him, every time he looked at us he would cock his head and his eye balls would stick out, I could not even talk to Erin because he was sitting down the bar from her and all I could do was laugh.
Then Jen and I went to Tenacious Brothers pretty cool. Except for the screaming brides maid party. That was a little annoying. I was happy tho because I got to see the softer side of Jen. Oh how I love you!!!!
Quincy's OMG!!!! I love Quincy's. First off a man in in 50's asked if I have ever no. Then he told me he has a clothing line of leather booty shorts I would look awesome in. Ok whatever as I picture my self in the basement "it puts the lotion on" LOL Then he looks at Jen and says "what you name"..... "oh Jen nice to meet you bye" OH what a shit head. I must say I love Quincy's.
You know what I don't love Haters!!!! No matter where we go girls talk shit. I cant help that I think I am awesome. I own how cool I am and so should you. Don't hate just because you don't. I say this because the "regulars" at the karaoke bar had some not nice looks towards us. Why????? because I rock and you don't!! LOL!!!!!
Ok good night, I must get up soon with the kiddos. Jen it is on like donkey Kong....Quincy's here we come!!!!!!
(well I was going to share some awesome pictures, like of the buggy eye guy but my email wont load. Dumb email)!!
Then Jen and I went to Tenacious Brothers pretty cool. Except for the screaming brides maid party. That was a little annoying. I was happy tho because I got to see the softer side of Jen. Oh how I love you!!!!
Quincy's OMG!!!! I love Quincy's. First off a man in in 50's asked if I have ever no. Then he told me he has a clothing line of leather booty shorts I would look awesome in. Ok whatever as I picture my self in the basement "it puts the lotion on" LOL Then he looks at Jen and says "what you name"..... "oh Jen nice to meet you bye" OH what a shit head. I must say I love Quincy's.
You know what I don't love Haters!!!! No matter where we go girls talk shit. I cant help that I think I am awesome. I own how cool I am and so should you. Don't hate just because you don't. I say this because the "regulars" at the karaoke bar had some not nice looks towards us. Why????? because I rock and you don't!! LOL!!!!!
Ok good night, I must get up soon with the kiddos. Jen it is on like donkey Kong....Quincy's here we come!!!!!!
(well I was going to share some awesome pictures, like of the buggy eye guy but my email wont load. Dumb email)!!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
That was the deal right??
Oh the crap I do. So as you all know Chris bought a new truck awhile ago, The deal when he bought this truck was he needed to work extra weeks to pay it off in a year. Well then he lost his job and we drained our bank account, but we are recovering. Except this month it just happened that both cars have to be registered this month. AHHHHHH......
So tonight during the ten minute conservation we get to have I tell Chris he is going to have to work an extra week soon to get us out of the hole. Then I apologize a million time for this. WTF!!!
Why am I apologizing, he said he would work extra. I know what he was thinking, oh I will tell my wife I will work extra and then just hope she forgets. Well I can promise you every month that I have to pay and $400.00 truck payment I will NOT FORGET!! This stupid truck is killing us!!!!!
It totally suck when you only get to talk for a few minutes every night and you have to talk about serous stuff like that. Why do I apologize, I didn't want a expensive truck. I agree Chris needed a new vehicle but he didn't have to spend that much. Oh it just makes me mad that I feel bad for telling him he has to work extra. That's just the way it goes. Is there an easier way to make them understand. It wouldn't be so bad but we pay $700 a month in hospital bill from having the girls. We were supposed to pay those off, but he lost him job so we had to live off our tax return. Plus he had a month off when he lost his job so he can work an extra week. When things like this come up, I feel like such a drain on our family. I feel like I spend money, I don't make money, so I am a waste. Oh well such is life.
So tonight during the ten minute conservation we get to have I tell Chris he is going to have to work an extra week soon to get us out of the hole. Then I apologize a million time for this. WTF!!!
Why am I apologizing, he said he would work extra. I know what he was thinking, oh I will tell my wife I will work extra and then just hope she forgets. Well I can promise you every month that I have to pay and $400.00 truck payment I will NOT FORGET!! This stupid truck is killing us!!!!!
It totally suck when you only get to talk for a few minutes every night and you have to talk about serous stuff like that. Why do I apologize, I didn't want a expensive truck. I agree Chris needed a new vehicle but he didn't have to spend that much. Oh it just makes me mad that I feel bad for telling him he has to work extra. That's just the way it goes. Is there an easier way to make them understand. It wouldn't be so bad but we pay $700 a month in hospital bill from having the girls. We were supposed to pay those off, but he lost him job so we had to live off our tax return. Plus he had a month off when he lost his job so he can work an extra week. When things like this come up, I feel like such a drain on our family. I feel like I spend money, I don't make money, so I am a waste. Oh well such is life.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
All By My Self!!
Well I was beginning to write this Blog, and then Jacob Luck came on American Idol and distracted me, not in a good way. Let me try to pull it together............
I was sitting around today thinking about how lonely I am. Chris went back to work today and that is always the hardest day. I go from spending every waking moment with him to being alone, well not alone I have three kids, but that is more lonely than just being alone. Any who.... I have two friends that I hang out with out side of Moms Club. That is all two, no joke. I am surrounded by lots of other moms in Moms Club but unfortunately I do not feel close to many of them. I am starting to wonder if I am the common denominator. Maybe I do not let people in, or maybe I am just so friggin busy. I am different than a lot of the moms in our Moms Club, I have tattoos, I spank my kiddos, I swear (not around kids), I have a vocal opinion, I am young ( well I was young I am feeling very old), and I enjoy doing naught mommy thing like going to the bar with my two girlies now and then. I have been told by many guys I am intimidating maybe women feel the same way.
I know what my problem is, Chris went back to work. It is crazy how much I enjoy hanging out with him. Ok enough of the woe is me blog. I just ate my weight in pop corn, now my key board is greasy. it is time to go to bed and let my ass absorb the butter from the pop corn.... AHHHHHH Self Sabotage!!!!
I was sitting around today thinking about how lonely I am. Chris went back to work today and that is always the hardest day. I go from spending every waking moment with him to being alone, well not alone I have three kids, but that is more lonely than just being alone. Any who.... I have two friends that I hang out with out side of Moms Club. That is all two, no joke. I am surrounded by lots of other moms in Moms Club but unfortunately I do not feel close to many of them. I am starting to wonder if I am the common denominator. Maybe I do not let people in, or maybe I am just so friggin busy. I am different than a lot of the moms in our Moms Club, I have tattoos, I spank my kiddos, I swear (not around kids), I have a vocal opinion, I am young ( well I was young I am feeling very old), and I enjoy doing naught mommy thing like going to the bar with my two girlies now and then. I have been told by many guys I am intimidating maybe women feel the same way.
I know what my problem is, Chris went back to work. It is crazy how much I enjoy hanging out with him. Ok enough of the woe is me blog. I just ate my weight in pop corn, now my key board is greasy. it is time to go to bed and let my ass absorb the butter from the pop corn.... AHHHHHH Self Sabotage!!!!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Drunkin Ramblings
I cannot believe they city wants to ban dogs from all down town events. I am pissed!! We will never go to the farmers market again if they do this. Our dogs are so well behaved and love the attention they get. The city is going to hold an open forum which I am going to attend. I know some dogs are bad, but not all.. Don't punish duke and Milo, they did nothing, and we always pick up their giant poop!! Like giant, Chris could crap in the street and it would not compare. maybe my moms cows could compete.
So there are theis new bracelets that say I love Boobies to promote breast cancer awareness. The schools decided it was ok for students to wear them because of the cause. What 15 year old boy is wearing a bracelet that says "I love boobies" to promote breast cancer?? Common..... we all know what boys like, boobies, and the only thing they are promoting is naked boobies! Show me your titties!!!!!
Ok I am so glad chris will be home in the morning! I cannot wait to spent time with him. Being drunk and alone feels wrong, but so good!!! I have been so stressed and this is nice.Maybe I will go streaking, ha ha just kidding. I don't want a bunch of "I love boobies" weirdos standing out side my house! plus your bracelet would have to say I love acorns for me!!! BAWHHHH If you name is Gabi or Brittanie you will get that!!!
Ok I am, know laughing out loud and need to tone it down. Good night!!!!
P.S who the fuck get married a chuck e cheese.. yep only in Grand Junction.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Epic Meltdown

Here's whats going on......... When Chris was with out a job and we didn't know when he would be starting again I felt the need to help our family and get a job. Well I got two jobs, technically three. Now that I have all three jobs plus Moms Club and being a mom I am overwhelmed. The problem is I have having a hard time knowing what to drop.
Job 1- Volunteer at the Nursery at the Gym.
This job is only four hours a week. Thursday night from 4pm-8pm. This job allowes to have a gym membership and daycare for free. With out this job I could not afford to have either of theis. Some days the gym is all I have that is mine. I can ditch the kiddos and get my sweat on.
Job 2- Merchandising.

Job 3- Cabinet Designer at Osburn Cabinets.
This job I work in the mornings when Chris is home. It has the potential for great income, but that is a while down the road. I will not see any income for 2-3 months and it will be small spuratic income. It will take a while to make substantial income, and them I will defiantly have to work more than just mornings. There is a little flexibility to my schedule but not much.

I never stop or get to spend much time with my husband. What is the point of having money if you have to time to do anything with it. I would rather has less money and way more time with my family than lots of money and never see my family. I just dont know what to go.....hopefully God will guide me to what is right, for now and long term. AHHHHHH MELTDOWN IN 3........2............1.............
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