What an adventure I had!!! Ok so I left for Denver Sunday to do some work and hang out with friends. I got back to my grandmas house on Tuesday to find my computer had gotten a virus....I took it to Office Depo and they said they could fix it and thank GOD save everything off my hard drive. After this I will be buying an external hard drive to keep a back up of everything on.
Well we leave for the airport Wednesday morning, Mom and Terry say our flight leaves at 12:30pm, so we get to the airport around 10am. We as in me, grandma Patsy, me Mom Vickie, Step Dad Terry, and the girls. Well we park the car, get one the shuttle, get to the check in counter and Grandma patsy doesn't have her I.D. Luckily they just flag her ticket and she has to basically get a cavity search, but she makes it. While waiting for her Terry looks at our boarding pass and the plane really leaves at 11:30am not 12:30am. It is now 11am and the flight is boarding. AHHHH!!! I take the girls and run to the tram to get to the right terminal and get in line to get them McDonalds. While in line I hear "final boarding for flight to Atlanta, all passengers must be on board" AHHHHHH!!!! So me and the girls run to the gate, only to find mom and terry are off looking for me. What a cluster fuck!! Needless to say we made it. We got to Atlanta, got our minivan and off we went. We get to our hotel in Columbus, GA get checked in and off to bed so we can go to the "Turning Blue" Ceremony at the base.

The next morning we are off to the ceremony, well everyone but Grandma Patsy, she has no I.D to get on the base. We arrive at the guard shack, we ask directions and the nice man says "turn left" what does Terry do, turns right!! LOL Not only does he turn right but he also does a burn out., in the mini van may I remind you. LMAO!!! At this point I am laughing so hard I am crying. The ceremony was amazing, I cried, my little brother is defiantly a man now! It was amazing to see him. Oh and at the ceremony I try to take a picture only to realize the screen on my camera has water IN it. Yep first the computer and now the camera.... After this we go get lunch and have a relaxing day. I just want to tell you Columbus, GA is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been, and the people are so friendly. It is hard to describe the feeling. It was like there was something in the air. It felt like there was so much flavor there, in Grand Junction there is only flavor if you are a crack head.

The next day was graduation, and that was AMAZING!! At the back of the graduation field was a hill and all the sudden we heard bombs and gunshots then smoke, all the sudden a infantry team appears over the hill, in full gear. They come twards the stands like they are at war. I got chills, it was Awesome. At Graduation I took this great picture of me, only to realize there is a weirdo in the background deep troughting his fingers..(see picture # 2) Graduation ended, we had lunch and headed to Atlanta. That night we rode the MERTA, Atlantis train system. Mom and I made us all get off in an "interesting" part of town. Ned less to say Terry and Grandma Patsy were not up for an adventure and made us get back on. That night we had some dinner, took the girls swimming, and hung out.
The next day we went downtown Atlanta did the Aquarium, and the World of Coke tour. The girls LOVED the aquarium, it was so cute to watch them chase the fish. We went back to the hotel, Grandma took the girls up to the room for dinner. I got to sit and have a nice birthday dinner with my mom and terry. Mom and I also got to have a bottle of wine, then we went to the airport to buy a candy bar and feminine needs. This was fun me and mom a little lit from wine running around the airport, doing the robot to live piano music, and making fun of people. Now you know were I get my weirdness!!! We get back to the hotel and deliver Terry his candy bar, after he ignored me bird calling him. LOL Then my mom and I sat in the sports bar area and had a nice long chat. It was nice to just hang out with her, no kidds.
The next day it was back to the airport to come home. We got our flight time right, hung out, had breakfast, all was going well this time around. Until we get to Denver and I realize I cannot find my car keys. Yep my car is currently parked at the airport. We had to take a buss to a shuttle to get back to grandma patsy's, were mom and terry were parked. We got in to Denver at 12:30pm we did not get to Grandma Patsy's until 5pm. Then mom and Terry still had to drive home. i fucked up big time.!! I still have no clue were my keys are other than somewhere in Georgia. Luckily I have a spare that Brandy overnighted to me and as long as it starts my car I am in luck!! While writing that I got this sick feeling that key is for our old 4-runner.....o-shit.
i guess my trip isn't over yet.....hopefully I make it home tomorrow.........