As I sit on my couch eating pizza watching Desperate Housewives, I realize this is it. I start my new job tomorrow...ahhhh. Today we went to the kids new preschool and they got to check it out. The girls LOVED it. They played, had snack, and had so much fun. Teagan on the other hand not so excited, but I know he will get better after a couple times. We went to wal-mart and bought all the items needed for preschool. I am excited for the kids, and for me. I know organization is going to have to be me number one thing now. That being said I am now seeking advice from everyone on things I can do to stay organized. I was thinking a dry erase calender to write meals on. This way I can write down what we are having for dinner every night. This way I can get stuff ready the night before, and that morning. I am also thinking I should lay out outfits the night before, for me and the kids, that way I am not having to do it in the mornings. Does anyone els have another ideas. I am a little nervous that I don't have a few days to practice getting the kids up ect...Any ideas will help.
I am so excited to go to work!! i think this is going to good for both me and the kids, and it is perfect timing. The kids will only be in daycare 2 1/2 days a week. The rest of the time they will be with Chris. YEAH!!!!!!! I think I will have a celebration drink tonight!!!!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Hard Decisions = Big Changes
So in the last month I secretly applied for a job. I only told a few people mainly because I didn't want to have to tell people when I didn't get the job. I also didn't want to hear peoples opinions until I knew I had the job. Well they call this morning and I got the job. It is at the new American Furniture Warehouse, as their showroom floor designer. Basically you design the furniture displays. It is sorta what I went to school for. It pays $16.00 and hour and I would work 40 hours a week.
I am so torn on what to to. I love being home with my kids and the thought of missing things makes me want to cry, literally right now I am tearing up. They would only be in daycare 2-3 days a week. When Chris is on days off they would stay home with him.
Chis knew I was applying for the job, I think he just thought I wouldn't get it. He doesn't want me to take it for selfish reasons (this is not ment in a bad way). We will see each other a lot less. His weeks off are nice right now because we can do whatever we want. If I am working he will have to be Mr.Mom on his days off, and we wont be able to take mini vacations on his weeks off, but we cannot afford mini vacations right now.
Even tho we got rid of the truck, we are still living paycheck to paycheck, and it sucks. Daycare for all three kids is going to cost about $1,000 a month, give or take some. I will be bringing home an extra $1,000 a month, give or take some, after paying taxes and daycare. That a lot of money and it could really help us. If we could get cars and medical bills payed off I wouldn't have to work. Right now I feel like we need the money. I never wanted to put my kiddos is daycare, but they will only be there for ten days out of the whole month, that's not bad. I really don't know what to do. I think deep down I know I need to take the job. I can always go back to being a stay at home mom, I cant always get a job. I would LOVE to hear some feed back from everyone. I know this is truly MY decision, but it always help to hear what other people think.
I am so torn on what to to. I love being home with my kids and the thought of missing things makes me want to cry, literally right now I am tearing up. They would only be in daycare 2-3 days a week. When Chris is on days off they would stay home with him.
Chis knew I was applying for the job, I think he just thought I wouldn't get it. He doesn't want me to take it for selfish reasons (this is not ment in a bad way). We will see each other a lot less. His weeks off are nice right now because we can do whatever we want. If I am working he will have to be Mr.Mom on his days off, and we wont be able to take mini vacations on his weeks off, but we cannot afford mini vacations right now.
Even tho we got rid of the truck, we are still living paycheck to paycheck, and it sucks. Daycare for all three kids is going to cost about $1,000 a month, give or take some. I will be bringing home an extra $1,000 a month, give or take some, after paying taxes and daycare. That a lot of money and it could really help us. If we could get cars and medical bills payed off I wouldn't have to work. Right now I feel like we need the money. I never wanted to put my kiddos is daycare, but they will only be there for ten days out of the whole month, that's not bad. I really don't know what to do. I think deep down I know I need to take the job. I can always go back to being a stay at home mom, I cant always get a job. I would LOVE to hear some feed back from everyone. I know this is truly MY decision, but it always help to hear what other people think.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Hello long Lost Friends
Well it feels like forever since I last blogged...Here is a little bit of an update on what is going on around here. The cats have gone to a new home. I had a lady contact me about them. She needed a couple cats that would make good mouser cats and good cuddling cats. Well that is my cats, they bring in dead shit and then curl up and want attention!! SOLD!!! Well not really sold only a crazy person would pay for a cat. Now that they are gone, and I hate to admit it, life is a little easier.
Soon Duke will be gone too. He is going to the Rockie Mountain Great Dane Rescue. They contacted us after seeing the dogs ad. After a long conservation with Chris and him admitting he does not want to pick up poop every night we decided to surrender Duke. Why Duke you might ask...Well here is why.. 1. Milo has a relationship with Teagan Duke does not. 2. Duke does really well with other animals, Milo does ok when in a neutral area. 3. We both think Duke will adapt way better than Milo to a new home. 4. Milo has bitten another dog and it would take a lot to get him adopted. Unlike what some of you think this has nothing to do with me liking Milo more, it is simply what is best for our family and kids. Life with one giant dog is so much more manageable than two.
Teagan has been in big boy undies for four days now and he is doing really well. He is DONE with diapers!! YEAH!! Now if only the sister were ready.
I have not blogged in a long time because I have been on the fence about a few things. I have gotten in trouble with one of chris's brothers just for saying his name in a blog (notice no name is used here)! I didn't even say anything bad about him, just his name. Now I am ostracised from the brothers. They wont even be my friends on facebook, and neither acknowledges the girls birthday. It makes it hard to write honestly when people are so harsh, but after some thinking I have decided this is what I do... I like to Blog...So I am going to.
Chris's brothers are still not talking to me...well whats new there. When I piss then off, our family becomes the odd man out, no one talks to us, or they talk to us on a limited basis. This makes the up coming Holidays hard. I really want to spend one holiday with Chris's family. This is the first time he has a whole week off for Thanksgiving and Christmas instead of one day. It is hard to want to drive hours and hours to hang out with people who wont speak to me, and don't acknowledge our kids birthday. I know I am being blamed for the late invite they got to the birthday party, but they should talk to Chris about that. How can I invite you when you don't speak to me, and you cant even be my friend on Facebook?? I left it up to Chris to invite them, I reminded him every couple days to do it. He did it on his own time, it had nothing to do with me. Altho I say this I know no some people will not believe it. I find it funny how to your face and in public everyone acts like everything is great, but the second you turn around they have plenty to say about you. I think we are going to Pueblo for Thanksgiving, I just wish everyone could get along and be honest so it wont have to be a painfully uncomfortable situation.
And last but not least....I need my own reality show!! Why??? Watch for my next blog. Now that I have decided to Blog and not hold back I plan to write on a more constance basis. So watch for the next one!!!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Animal Update
Well I decided the cats are going to get a new home, weather I find one for them or I take them to CLAWS an no kill cats shelter in Fruita. Chris was a butt hole about the cats going even tho he insists he was trying to be funny. Here is what he did. He said he was ok with the cats going, he really didn't care. Then he looked at Teagan and said "Teagan how sad are you going to be when mommy get rid of your kitties?" and "How sad will your sisters be when mommy gets rid of your kitties?" That was a shitty thing to do, but he swears he was joking, and Chris doesn't always think about what he is saying. I don't want to get rid of any animals but me and my family come first. I am loosing sleep having an allergie attack every night. Now that I have three kids my tolerance level has gone way down. I am over being tired because I have pets I am allergic to. I cannot even pet them.
Chris and I decided the dogs must go to. I found fresh pee spots in the house two out of the last three nights. Remember theis are big dogs so when they pee in the house it is a HUGE spot. That smell never comes out and once they can smell it they will keep doing it because they are male dogs. They are doing it at night so I cannot punish them in the morning, I don't know which one is doing it. They are not doing it because they aren't getting let out in time. Both spots are almost dry when I find them around 8am. To me that means they are doing it during the night because they can. I asked Chris if he had any ideas on what to do. I said we could make them stay out at night, but they would bark so we would have to put bark collars on them, plus come winter I don't know how we would keep them warm as they have destroyed any bed we have ever put in the garage for them. We decided to sell the dogs because we want to make sure that someone really wants them and can afford to feed them. We don't want someone to be like "oh free great Dane cool I want one" Just because they can. We are also selling them because we have put a ton of money into the dogs, our carpets are going to need to be professionally cleaned or replaced, so if we can sell them to help pay for this why wouldn't we?.. It came to my attention this morning that some people are upset by our choice, but it is our choice. It is not easy for us to do, but the dogs are pets. Our family comes first and when they start destroying the house making it unsanitary and disgusting they have to go. THE END, either be supportive in this hard time or don't say anything. If you have concerns call us. Chris and I made this decision TOGETHER i did not tie him up, hold a gun to his head ect....please just be understanding and supportive. We love our animals and this was a very hard decision for both of us.
Chris and I decided the dogs must go to. I found fresh pee spots in the house two out of the last three nights. Remember theis are big dogs so when they pee in the house it is a HUGE spot. That smell never comes out and once they can smell it they will keep doing it because they are male dogs. They are doing it at night so I cannot punish them in the morning, I don't know which one is doing it. They are not doing it because they aren't getting let out in time. Both spots are almost dry when I find them around 8am. To me that means they are doing it during the night because they can. I asked Chris if he had any ideas on what to do. I said we could make them stay out at night, but they would bark so we would have to put bark collars on them, plus come winter I don't know how we would keep them warm as they have destroyed any bed we have ever put in the garage for them. We decided to sell the dogs because we want to make sure that someone really wants them and can afford to feed them. We don't want someone to be like "oh free great Dane cool I want one" Just because they can. We are also selling them because we have put a ton of money into the dogs, our carpets are going to need to be professionally cleaned or replaced, so if we can sell them to help pay for this why wouldn't we?.. It came to my attention this morning that some people are upset by our choice, but it is our choice. It is not easy for us to do, but the dogs are pets. Our family comes first and when they start destroying the house making it unsanitary and disgusting they have to go. THE END, either be supportive in this hard time or don't say anything. If you have concerns call us. Chris and I made this decision TOGETHER i did not tie him up, hold a gun to his head ect....please just be understanding and supportive. We love our animals and this was a very hard decision for both of us.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
The Animals MUST GO!!!
Ok Not only do I have three kids under three, but I also have two dogs who weigh more than me and two cats, oh and a Caterpillar named Mr.Pee but his is in a cocoon and maintenance free.
Here is why the dogs must go....
1. They cannot be left alone over night. Even if someone come over and feeds them and lets them in for the night it stresses them out being left alone and they mess in the house. It is way to expensive to board them, and because they are so big it can be hard to take them places with us. When i was in Georgia they messed in the house a lot. I rented a carpet cleaner and cleaned all the carpets, but i swear I can still smell dog pee. Once that smell gets in the carpet pad there inst much you can do.
2. They cannot sleep out side. milo expically cannot sleep out side he will bark all night. If they could sleep out side I would have to worry about them being alone, if they got the shits from being stressed they are out side.
3. They got the taste of people food, now I cant keep them out of it. They get in the trash, and take food off the counter tops when we arent looking. They didnt use to do this, its a new thing.
4. I refuse to be their only care taker, chris needs to help with them. He pick up poop once a week, that's not enough. I cannot remember the last time they had a bath. I don't have time to do all of this. I take care of the kids and i work 10hours a week out side the house.
5. Because they don't get baths enough, and poop doesn't get picked up enough they smell, and our yard dies. I hate the pet hair, it gets every were, and the house smells like dog all the time. I hate it. I like to have a nice house but I feel like I never will because I have pets.
6. They get slobber every were. The walls the T.V. It drives me nuts.
The cats must go because......
1. I am allergic to them, I cannot even sleep in my bed with out having an allergies / asthma attack.
2. Our cat Frodo is an ass hole. He likes to sleep in our bed, he cannot sleep at my head because of my allergies so after pushing him away a million times he settles for the foot of the bed. Sounds ok right?? Except if you move your feet he hisses and bites you. Not only does this hurt but I get welts because I am allergic.
3. Fuzz is a sweet cat but he has long hair which requires maintness. i cannot brush him, well I could if I want to die from an asthma attack. So he and frodo get hair every were and I cannot stand it because I hate pet hair plus I am allergic to it.
4. They bring bugs, birds, mice, ect in the house. Enough said.
I am tired of my pets running my house and life. They don't get the attention they need, i don't pet any of them because of allergies. Chris doesn't give them much attention, heck he doesn't even give them a bath. I am so tired of having animals...I know Chris would kill me if I wanted to get rid of them. I like having a nice clean, nonsmelly house. I get embarrassed of our house now because of the animals. What to do?? Any ideas????
Here is why the dogs must go....
1. They cannot be left alone over night. Even if someone come over and feeds them and lets them in for the night it stresses them out being left alone and they mess in the house. It is way to expensive to board them, and because they are so big it can be hard to take them places with us. When i was in Georgia they messed in the house a lot. I rented a carpet cleaner and cleaned all the carpets, but i swear I can still smell dog pee. Once that smell gets in the carpet pad there inst much you can do.
2. They cannot sleep out side. milo expically cannot sleep out side he will bark all night. If they could sleep out side I would have to worry about them being alone, if they got the shits from being stressed they are out side.
3. They got the taste of people food, now I cant keep them out of it. They get in the trash, and take food off the counter tops when we arent looking. They didnt use to do this, its a new thing.
4. I refuse to be their only care taker, chris needs to help with them. He pick up poop once a week, that's not enough. I cannot remember the last time they had a bath. I don't have time to do all of this. I take care of the kids and i work 10hours a week out side the house.
5. Because they don't get baths enough, and poop doesn't get picked up enough they smell, and our yard dies. I hate the pet hair, it gets every were, and the house smells like dog all the time. I hate it. I like to have a nice house but I feel like I never will because I have pets.
6. They get slobber every were. The walls the T.V. It drives me nuts.
The cats must go because......
1. I am allergic to them, I cannot even sleep in my bed with out having an allergies / asthma attack.
2. Our cat Frodo is an ass hole. He likes to sleep in our bed, he cannot sleep at my head because of my allergies so after pushing him away a million times he settles for the foot of the bed. Sounds ok right?? Except if you move your feet he hisses and bites you. Not only does this hurt but I get welts because I am allergic.
3. Fuzz is a sweet cat but he has long hair which requires maintness. i cannot brush him, well I could if I want to die from an asthma attack. So he and frodo get hair every were and I cannot stand it because I hate pet hair plus I am allergic to it.
4. They bring bugs, birds, mice, ect in the house. Enough said.
I am tired of my pets running my house and life. They don't get the attention they need, i don't pet any of them because of allergies. Chris doesn't give them much attention, heck he doesn't even give them a bath. I am so tired of having animals...I know Chris would kill me if I wanted to get rid of them. I like having a nice clean, nonsmelly house. I get embarrassed of our house now because of the animals. What to do?? Any ideas????
Monday, August 29, 2011
My Georgia adventure
What an adventure I had!!! Ok so I left for Denver Sunday to do some work and hang out with friends. I got back to my grandmas house on Tuesday to find my computer had gotten a virus....I took it to Office Depo and they said they could fix it and thank GOD save everything off my hard drive. After this I will be buying an external hard drive to keep a back up of everything on.
Well we leave for the airport Wednesday morning, Mom and Terry say our flight leaves at 12:30pm, so we get to the airport around 10am. We as in me, grandma Patsy, me Mom Vickie, Step Dad Terry, and the girls. Well we park the car, get one the shuttle, get to the check in counter and Grandma patsy doesn't have her I.D. Luckily they just flag her ticket and she has to basically get a cavity search, but she makes it. While waiting for her Terry looks at our boarding pass and the plane really leaves at 11:30am not 12:30am. It is now 11am and the flight is boarding. AHHHH!!! I take the girls and run to the tram to get to the right terminal and get in line to get them McDonalds. While in line I hear "final boarding for flight to Atlanta, all passengers must be on board" AHHHHHH!!!! So me and the girls run to the gate, only to find mom and terry are off looking for me. What a cluster fuck!! Needless to say we made it. We got to Atlanta, got our minivan and off we went. We get to our hotel in Columbus, GA get checked in and off to bed so we can go to the "Turning Blue" Ceremony at the base.
The next morning we are off to the ceremony, well everyone but Grandma Patsy, she has no I.D to get on the base. We arrive at the guard shack, we ask directions and the nice man says "turn left" what does Terry do, turns right!! LOL Not only does he turn right but he also does a burn out., in the mini van may I remind you. LMAO!!! At this point I am laughing so hard I am crying. The ceremony was amazing, I cried, my little brother is defiantly a man now! It was amazing to see him. Oh and at the ceremony I try to take a picture only to realize the screen on my camera has water IN it. Yep first the computer and now the camera.... After this we go get lunch and have a relaxing day. I just want to tell you Columbus, GA is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been, and the people are so friendly. It is hard to describe the feeling. It was like there was something in the air. It felt like there was so much flavor there, in Grand Junction there is only flavor if you are a crack head.
The next day was graduation, and that was AMAZING!! At the back of the graduation field was a hill and all the sudden we heard bombs and gunshots then smoke, all the sudden a infantry team appears over the hill, in full gear. They come twards the stands like they are at war. I got chills, it was Awesome. At Graduation I took this great picture of me, only to realize there is a weirdo in the background deep troughting his fingers..(see picture # 2) Graduation ended, we had lunch and headed to Atlanta. That night we rode the MERTA, Atlantis train system. Mom and I made us all get off in an "interesting" part of town. Ned less to say Terry and Grandma Patsy were not up for an adventure and made us get back on. That night we had some dinner, took the girls swimming, and hung out. The next day we went downtown Atlanta did the Aquarium, and the World of Coke tour. The girls LOVED the aquarium, it was so cute to watch them chase the fish. We went back to the hotel, Grandma took the girls up to the room for dinner. I got to sit and have a nice birthday dinner with my mom and terry. Mom and I also got to have a bottle of wine, then we went to the airport to buy a candy bar and feminine needs. This was fun me and mom a little lit from wine running around the airport, doing the robot to live piano music, and making fun of people. Now you know were I get my weirdness!!! We get back to the hotel and deliver Terry his candy bar, after he ignored me bird calling him. LOL Then my mom and I sat in the sports bar area and had a nice long chat. It was nice to just hang out with her, no kidds.
The next day it was back to the airport to come home. We got our flight time right, hung out, had breakfast, all was going well this time around. Until we get to Denver and I realize I cannot find my car keys. Yep my car is currently parked at the airport. We had to take a buss to a shuttle to get back to grandma patsy's, were mom and terry were parked. We got in to Denver at 12:30pm we did not get to Grandma Patsy's until 5pm. Then mom and Terry still had to drive home. i fucked up big time.!! I still have no clue were my keys are other than somewhere in Georgia. Luckily I have a spare that Brandy overnighted to me and as long as it starts my car I am in luck!! While writing that I got this sick feeling that key is for our old 4-runner.....o-shit.
i guess my trip isn't over yet.....hopefully I make it home tomorrow.........
Well we leave for the airport Wednesday morning, Mom and Terry say our flight leaves at 12:30pm, so we get to the airport around 10am. We as in me, grandma Patsy, me Mom Vickie, Step Dad Terry, and the girls. Well we park the car, get one the shuttle, get to the check in counter and Grandma patsy doesn't have her I.D. Luckily they just flag her ticket and she has to basically get a cavity search, but she makes it. While waiting for her Terry looks at our boarding pass and the plane really leaves at 11:30am not 12:30am. It is now 11am and the flight is boarding. AHHHH!!! I take the girls and run to the tram to get to the right terminal and get in line to get them McDonalds. While in line I hear "final boarding for flight to Atlanta, all passengers must be on board" AHHHHHH!!!! So me and the girls run to the gate, only to find mom and terry are off looking for me. What a cluster fuck!! Needless to say we made it. We got to Atlanta, got our minivan and off we went. We get to our hotel in Columbus, GA get checked in and off to bed so we can go to the "Turning Blue" Ceremony at the base.
The next day it was back to the airport to come home. We got our flight time right, hung out, had breakfast, all was going well this time around. Until we get to Denver and I realize I cannot find my car keys. Yep my car is currently parked at the airport. We had to take a buss to a shuttle to get back to grandma patsy's, were mom and terry were parked. We got in to Denver at 12:30pm we did not get to Grandma Patsy's until 5pm. Then mom and Terry still had to drive home. i fucked up big time.!! I still have no clue were my keys are other than somewhere in Georgia. Luckily I have a spare that Brandy overnighted to me and as long as it starts my car I am in luck!! While writing that I got this sick feeling that key is for our old 4-runner.....o-shit.
i guess my trip isn't over yet.....hopefully I make it home tomorrow.........
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Updates on life as I know it....
So much has happened since my last blog, here are all my updates
Here is my update on my crazy neighbors, if you missed my first two blogs you can find them here...fucking-crazy-neighbor.html, and.....crazy-neighbors-crazy-night.html
I am pretty sure my crazy neighbors husband is a pervo. The other day me and the kids has just gotten done swimming and we were laying on the patio warming up. I look up and they are flooding my patio again, so I say something to Teagan, because I have no one els to say something to, and the next thing I know crazy neighbor husbands head is over the fence trying to talk to me about it as I lay in my bikini. AHHH....He says it floods because my house is in a hole. I told him I was done talking about it, and he stood there for a couple minutes. I finally had to go inside and wait for him to get down. Weird right?? He was just staring at us.....PERVO!!!
Ok now on to our money issues if you missed that blog it is here....not-easy-to-share.html
We have some good news finally. We traded the truck and got a Jeep. A pretty nice jeep too, a 2004 Jeep Wrangler. It fits all three kids and better yet cut the payments in half. We paid $400 a month for the truck and the jeep is $236 a month. It sounds like we have someone from Pueblo coming to buy the camper tomorrow. Hopefully we can just figure out something with the Sequoia and we will be way better off. My guts are still a mess from all the stress, but with some tenderness and sleep I will be better. Altho we got the truck traded I would NEVER recommend anyone go to Carvill Auto Mart EVER!!!! It took forever to make our deal, like a week and a half, they didn't put the spair in or buff the headlights, we have to make an appointment to go that, and, AND they dropped it off at our house on empty. Literally the gas light was on! WTF!!!
Well that about it for now, oh one more thing. THANK YOU!!! We have had so much support from my family and our friends. It is amazing how many people have been or are in the same situation as us, and it is so nice to have so much support. THANK YOU ALL!!!!!
Here is my update on my crazy neighbors, if you missed my first two blogs you can find them here...fucking-crazy-neighbor.html, and.....crazy-neighbors-crazy-night.html
I am pretty sure my crazy neighbors husband is a pervo. The other day me and the kids has just gotten done swimming and we were laying on the patio warming up. I look up and they are flooding my patio again, so I say something to Teagan, because I have no one els to say something to, and the next thing I know crazy neighbor husbands head is over the fence trying to talk to me about it as I lay in my bikini. AHHH....He says it floods because my house is in a hole. I told him I was done talking about it, and he stood there for a couple minutes. I finally had to go inside and wait for him to get down. Weird right?? He was just staring at us.....PERVO!!!
Ok now on to our money issues if you missed that blog it is here....not-easy-to-share.html
We have some good news finally. We traded the truck and got a Jeep. A pretty nice jeep too, a 2004 Jeep Wrangler. It fits all three kids and better yet cut the payments in half. We paid $400 a month for the truck and the jeep is $236 a month. It sounds like we have someone from Pueblo coming to buy the camper tomorrow. Hopefully we can just figure out something with the Sequoia and we will be way better off. My guts are still a mess from all the stress, but with some tenderness and sleep I will be better. Altho we got the truck traded I would NEVER recommend anyone go to Carvill Auto Mart EVER!!!! It took forever to make our deal, like a week and a half, they didn't put the spair in or buff the headlights, we have to make an appointment to go that, and, AND they dropped it off at our house on empty. Literally the gas light was on! WTF!!!
Well that about it for now, oh one more thing. THANK YOU!!! We have had so much support from my family and our friends. It is amazing how many people have been or are in the same situation as us, and it is so nice to have so much support. THANK YOU ALL!!!!!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
My Xingular review
Ok I want everyone to keep in mind this is my personal review and opinion. Ok with that it is......
There is a product out there that is blowing up right now it is called Xingular. It is a weight loss pill, well not just pill. You can get a powder form to mix it water. They have other items, but I have not go that far into it. I was recently given a sample of Xingular and I have to admit at first I was a little offended, because what is a weight loss supplement going to do for me?? I currently weight between 110lb and 115lb, I do not need to loose weight. After talking to the people who gave it to me I understood it can be used as a prework out supplement. So I thought well I will try I did. I took one Xingular pill when I got up, then I ate my breakfast about 20min later. This is what I was instructed to do. Well once it kicked in I thought I was going crazy!! LOL My mind was racing and I was so jittery. Luckily I was on the way to the gym to burn off this crazy (not in a good way energy). I got to the gym and I must admit I had the best run. I ran 6miles in 52 minutes, which is a 8min 40sec mile pace. AWESOME!!! Xingular defiantly gave me the energy I needed to have a great work out. Al tho this is a good thing I have some concerns. First I feel like Xingular would be a crutch, like with out it I could not have a great work out. I want to know when I end my run that I did it, because of my will power not because of a pill I took. Second I got to looking at how much caffeine Xingular had in it 90mg HOLY SHIT!! That is more than an energy drink. I know, I know it is all natural, but so is the caffeine in an energy drink. Being all natural does not necessarily mean it is healthy. Now think about this, how many people do you know cannot function with out coffee, or soda, well it is because of the caffeine. There are many people out there addicted to caffeine in some form. What happens when you take Xingular for a week straight and then miss a day, you are going to feel like shit from caffeine withdrawal. I don't drink a lot a caffeine so I think it was kind a shock to my body when I took the Xingular.The makes of Xing are smart, with that much caffeine no one will be able to get off the Xing with out going through withdrawals. So they are more likely to just keep taking it, meaning constant income!! Smart!! Third it suppresses your appetite, which is great if you remember to eat! LOL I am busy That day I went to the gym and ran, and then I work from 1pm to 10pm. I didn't remember to eat until 4pm because I didn't get hungry. That is not a good thing after running 6 miles. I know that this is a personal responsibility issue, but I am busy and never take time for my self. I need my stomach to growl and ask to be fed!! lol Al tho this pills work for some people, and the weight loss has been proven, it is defiantly not for me. Do I want another awesome run time, HELL YES, but this time I want to know I did it because I trained hard not because I took a magic pill.
P.S please remember this is just my experience, if you love Xing that is great it just isn't for me.
There is a product out there that is blowing up right now it is called Xingular. It is a weight loss pill, well not just pill. You can get a powder form to mix it water. They have other items, but I have not go that far into it. I was recently given a sample of Xingular and I have to admit at first I was a little offended, because what is a weight loss supplement going to do for me?? I currently weight between 110lb and 115lb, I do not need to loose weight. After talking to the people who gave it to me I understood it can be used as a prework out supplement. So I thought well I will try I did. I took one Xingular pill when I got up, then I ate my breakfast about 20min later. This is what I was instructed to do. Well once it kicked in I thought I was going crazy!! LOL My mind was racing and I was so jittery. Luckily I was on the way to the gym to burn off this crazy (not in a good way energy). I got to the gym and I must admit I had the best run. I ran 6miles in 52 minutes, which is a 8min 40sec mile pace. AWESOME!!! Xingular defiantly gave me the energy I needed to have a great work out. Al tho this is a good thing I have some concerns. First I feel like Xingular would be a crutch, like with out it I could not have a great work out. I want to know when I end my run that I did it, because of my will power not because of a pill I took. Second I got to looking at how much caffeine Xingular had in it 90mg HOLY SHIT!! That is more than an energy drink. I know, I know it is all natural, but so is the caffeine in an energy drink. Being all natural does not necessarily mean it is healthy. Now think about this, how many people do you know cannot function with out coffee, or soda, well it is because of the caffeine. There are many people out there addicted to caffeine in some form. What happens when you take Xingular for a week straight and then miss a day, you are going to feel like shit from caffeine withdrawal. I don't drink a lot a caffeine so I think it was kind a shock to my body when I took the Xingular.The makes of Xing are smart, with that much caffeine no one will be able to get off the Xing with out going through withdrawals. So they are more likely to just keep taking it, meaning constant income!! Smart!! Third it suppresses your appetite, which is great if you remember to eat! LOL I am busy That day I went to the gym and ran, and then I work from 1pm to 10pm. I didn't remember to eat until 4pm because I didn't get hungry. That is not a good thing after running 6 miles. I know that this is a personal responsibility issue, but I am busy and never take time for my self. I need my stomach to growl and ask to be fed!! lol Al tho this pills work for some people, and the weight loss has been proven, it is defiantly not for me. Do I want another awesome run time, HELL YES, but this time I want to know I did it because I trained hard not because I took a magic pill.
P.S please remember this is just my experience, if you love Xing that is great it just isn't for me.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Not Easy to Share
I am about to share something with you that not many people would share. I feel this is the best way to get it out, I don't want to have to explain things to people over and over again, and I know there are other people in our same situation. Chris and I are sinking in debt. Our monthly bills are $500.00 more than he makes, and that is simply the bills not anything fun like eating out or simply going out. This could be fixed easily Chris could work extra, but he simply doesn't want to. I understand why he doesn't want to, he is a family man and he loves to spend time with us. This situation has sunk our marriage as well. Chris is upset because he isn't providing for his family, and I am upset because I didn't understand why he wouldn't just work more. This has been going on for a couple months now. Well Chris and I sat down today and I told him I am not mad that he doesn't want to work extra, but we need to figure something out because we cannot live like this anymore. I was so scarred to have this conversation with him. I am scarred that he will start to hate his family and life because he doesn't have a nice truck, jeep, camper, ect..... He says he wont. To fix our situation we are selling our camper and both cars. We are going to buy two cars that are cheaper and use the camper money to get us caught up. I have to admit I harbor a little anger, because of the truck and chris putting us in this situation, but I am also so proud of us. We are fixing a problem before it gets worse. We can communicate and reach an understanding of how thing have to be done. I know our marriage can only get stronger from this, and luckily we are young and one day we will have a nice camper, jeep, truck, ect....just not right now. So next time you see me and I am not in my car please don't ask why, don't judge me, just say it is cute even if it a beater! LOL If you are in the same situation I feel your pain and I am here if you need to talk. I know how stressful this is, trust me I have been crying for the last few months, and not sleeping from stress. I am so proud of my family and I know things can only go up from here!!!!
Friday, July 29, 2011
Crazy Neighbors = Crazy Night
Ok so I told you all about hanging my comforter on the fence and if you haven't read it you can find it here.....
Ok so I went to talk to the husband, and he is crazy too!!! Basically he told me it was rude to not ask to hang my comforter on HIS fence. Well it HIS fence if I try to hang something on it, its communal property when I tell him it is falling down, and when it falls it will probably be MY fence! LOL. I am pretty sure the fence is only on my property and DOES belong to me, but to prove that you have to have a survey which will cost $1,000.00!!! I don't have that kind of money. I will just find another way to annoy them. If anyone has any ideas on how to prove property lines of be annoying let me know!! LOL
Well all of this caused me to get on the county's web site to see if they had any if on property lines. On their web site I saw a map to look up sex offenders living near you. I just had to look, and in a mile radius from our house there are four sex offenders. Ready for the crazy part?????? I know two out of the four, yep that's right I know them. One is the WIFE of a family friend. The other is a boy I went to private school with. CRAZY!!!! After that I could no longer handle it any more so I went to bed!
Ok so I went to talk to the husband, and he is crazy too!!! Basically he told me it was rude to not ask to hang my comforter on HIS fence. Well it HIS fence if I try to hang something on it, its communal property when I tell him it is falling down, and when it falls it will probably be MY fence! LOL. I am pretty sure the fence is only on my property and DOES belong to me, but to prove that you have to have a survey which will cost $1,000.00!!! I don't have that kind of money. I will just find another way to annoy them. If anyone has any ideas on how to prove property lines of be annoying let me know!! LOL
Well all of this caused me to get on the county's web site to see if they had any if on property lines. On their web site I saw a map to look up sex offenders living near you. I just had to look, and in a mile radius from our house there are four sex offenders. Ready for the crazy part?????? I know two out of the four, yep that's right I know them. One is the WIFE of a family friend. The other is a boy I went to private school with. CRAZY!!!! After that I could no longer handle it any more so I went to bed!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Fucking Crazy Neighbor!!!
So I have a loonie as my neighbor. She lives directly behind me and she is fucking crazy!! She has done countless things to us that make her crazy but here is what she did today.......
I had to wash my comforter, so I did. I don't like to put it in the drier soaking wet so I went out to hang it on the fence. I hang it on the fence right out side the back door. There is literally six inches of my comforter on the other side of the fence. I go in, put the kids down for nap, go to the back door to shut the blinds a little, and DAMN my wet comforter in laying in the dirt!!!! Ok I think maybe it was to wet and it fell off the fence. So I go to hang it back up, not realizing it is now muddy, and I hear "Excuse me, Excuse me, that fence is communial property and YOU CANNOT hang anything on it" So I say back "Lynn I am trying to dry my comforter" She says "This is MY fence and You cannot hang anything on it that drapes on my side" So I say back "It is a little immature and very unneighbourly that you wont allow me to dry my comforter" So she says "I have a cloths line, that what they are for, not MY fence" So I end it with "I wish you would have knocked on my door instead of putting my comforter in the dirt, now I have to rewash it, you are immature and crazy"
At that point I hear her car leave and that ends it. She is crazy, she called the cops when we built our fence, she sprayed plant killer over our fence when we had taller plants, she killed our peach tree, she is loonie.
I am going to go talk to her husband he is a little more grounded. If she would have come to my door I would have thought she was crazy, but I would have taken my comforter down and moved on. I am mostly angry that she thought it was approiate to knock it off the fence into the dirt causing me to have to wash it again. The things I would like to do to her..........
I had to wash my comforter, so I did. I don't like to put it in the drier soaking wet so I went out to hang it on the fence. I hang it on the fence right out side the back door. There is literally six inches of my comforter on the other side of the fence. I go in, put the kids down for nap, go to the back door to shut the blinds a little, and DAMN my wet comforter in laying in the dirt!!!! Ok I think maybe it was to wet and it fell off the fence. So I go to hang it back up, not realizing it is now muddy, and I hear "Excuse me, Excuse me, that fence is communial property and YOU CANNOT hang anything on it" So I say back "Lynn I am trying to dry my comforter" She says "This is MY fence and You cannot hang anything on it that drapes on my side" So I say back "It is a little immature and very unneighbourly that you wont allow me to dry my comforter" So she says "I have a cloths line, that what they are for, not MY fence" So I end it with "I wish you would have knocked on my door instead of putting my comforter in the dirt, now I have to rewash it, you are immature and crazy"
At that point I hear her car leave and that ends it. She is crazy, she called the cops when we built our fence, she sprayed plant killer over our fence when we had taller plants, she killed our peach tree, she is loonie.
I am going to go talk to her husband he is a little more grounded. If she would have come to my door I would have thought she was crazy, but I would have taken my comforter down and moved on. I am mostly angry that she thought it was approiate to knock it off the fence into the dirt causing me to have to wash it again. The things I would like to do to her..........
Monday, July 25, 2011
Attack of the Snails!!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Well today Chris tells me he knows the reason it hurts so much to get hit in the nuts...."In the womb we all start as females, our ball are just ovaries that descended, so when we get hit in the balls it hurts so much because our muscles are trying to pull our ball back into our stomach" LOL !!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!! I giggle and stare at him for a while, then I decide to google it. We found out it hurts so much. Yes your balls are formed inside your abdomen as a fetus, because of this you have nerves that run from your balls to your abdomen. When you get hit in the balls the pain runs all the way through the nerves causing you to have pain in your abdomen. I told him not to worry you muscles will never pull you balls back into your stomach!! LOL He read on the same web site it is illegal to hit someone in the balls and considered sexual harassment. Now he is threatening to call the cops! LOL I tell him if he calls the cops he deserves to be hit again. He says "then you will have two charges of sexual harassment, and I will not bail you out!!" So I ask what he will do with the kids..."I will figure it out, I will just pay Cooper to take care of them!!" Oh geezo......
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Family Reunion

Friday, July 15, 2011
Shitty People of the World Unite!!
So I think it is funny how when people do something wrong they are so defensive, and if there are more than one involved they unite and talk shit like everyone els has a problem not them. I am not going to go into details about this situation.
This is what I think, and this is my blog so that is all that matters!! LOL
If you screw up own it. If you and your buddies screw up, own it. Don't talk shit about innocent people involved and act like they did something wrong.
Here is an example.... when I was 16ish a elderly man ran over my neon, like literally in his F350 over the hood of my neon. When he got out of his car the first thing he did was yell at me "You are on the phone, didn't you see me driving here?" Ok I was on the phone with 911, and ummmm you ran me over. Didn't you see me driving here?
See thats what I mean, he was so defensive and mean. Instead he could have said I am sorry are you ok??
I know I write a lot of things people don't like, and I am fine with it, but it is all the truth. If you don't like it you can tell me, doesn't mean I will stop. But instead of acting like I am the bad, evil, no good one, look in the mirror.
DISCLAIMER!!!!! This is intended for NO ONE INPATICULAR!!!!!!!!! This is just what is on my mind tonight!!! Hopefully tomorrow I will have a blog about my recent family reunion and all the happenings at that!!!
This is what I think, and this is my blog so that is all that matters!! LOL
If you screw up own it. If you and your buddies screw up, own it. Don't talk shit about innocent people involved and act like they did something wrong.
Here is an example.... when I was 16ish a elderly man ran over my neon, like literally in his F350 over the hood of my neon. When he got out of his car the first thing he did was yell at me "You are on the phone, didn't you see me driving here?" Ok I was on the phone with 911, and ummmm you ran me over. Didn't you see me driving here?
See thats what I mean, he was so defensive and mean. Instead he could have said I am sorry are you ok??
I know I write a lot of things people don't like, and I am fine with it, but it is all the truth. If you don't like it you can tell me, doesn't mean I will stop. But instead of acting like I am the bad, evil, no good one, look in the mirror.
DISCLAIMER!!!!! This is intended for NO ONE INPATICULAR!!!!!!!!! This is just what is on my mind tonight!!! Hopefully tomorrow I will have a blog about my recent family reunion and all the happenings at that!!!
Monday, July 11, 2011
If you break it you buy it!
So last Saturday as in the 2nd of July Chris's little brother (aaron) came into town with his friend (lets just call him bob) and his girlfriend (well call her julie) to get tattoos. Well that night I had Aaron, Bob, Julie, Chris's older brother (Jon), his wife (krysti), and a few others who were not involved over for dinner and some beer pong. Well they all are gettin pretty drunk and shit starts. I don't know what exactly happens but Aaron, and Julie get into it and the next thing I know Bob and Julie are fighting. All the sudden Bob takes off down the street punching things. WTF are you two??? Long story short he punches the shit out of two of my neighbors mailboxes. Not cool I love my neighbors, and we are all really close. Well Aaron, Bob, and Julie had to leave Sunday morning to back to the Air force and Jon says he would take care of everything. He replaced one mailbox Monday night, it was supposed to be done Sunday night but at least it was done. The other neighbors mailbox has yet to be replaced, and on top of that when Bob apologized before he left he lied. He said he had just gotten back from over seas and was blowing off steam. Way to play the pity card, nice hu? I have now decided I have the obligation to fix the mailbox because it is my neighbor and Jon keep saying he will do this and that and never does. He told Chris Thursday before we went out of town that he would go talk to her about a different style or color of mailbox, but he didn't. I know what happened this mailbox was a little harder than going to the store and buy a new one so he just was too lazy to put effort into it. I know he didn't break it, but he did say he would fix it, so it is now his problem. Well actually it is now mine. Like I don't have enough to do. Needless to say it is taken care of and it wasn't hard at all. I called Rubbermaid, got the model number off the mail box, and they told me what to do. I called Bob and gave him the info, because you have to send a check or money order and I refuse to pay for it, and Bob is finishing it. With a little effort this could have been resolved a week ago. People are ridiculous, if you destroy someones property just fix it dam it. If you offer to fix it for the offender, DO IT!!!! If you are to busy, lazy, incompetent to do it them don't offer!!!! Word of the day RESPONSIBILITY!!!!!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
I watch a show the other night on twintuition. Doctors say it isn't real that twins have 'telepathic' bond, but if you are a parent of twins you will probably strongly disagree with the doctors. I know say I totally disagree and my twins are only 10 months. Here is what has been going on.....
I will have peyton in the living room tickling her and all the sudden you will hear Charlie in the other room laughing like I was tickling her. They also got Roseola at the same time, on the same day. Ok I know that's not a huge deal but listen to this one. Both girls have their bottom two teeth, usually babies get their front teeth next. Well Charlie skipped those and is now getting her K-9 tooth on the left side. Well I was laying Peyton down the other night and she is now getting the same tooth. So they both have two bottom teeth and the left K-9. Weird right?
I cannot wait to see what the future hold and all the neat twintuition things that come up!!
I will have peyton in the living room tickling her and all the sudden you will hear Charlie in the other room laughing like I was tickling her. They also got Roseola at the same time, on the same day. Ok I know that's not a huge deal but listen to this one. Both girls have their bottom two teeth, usually babies get their front teeth next. Well Charlie skipped those and is now getting her K-9 tooth on the left side. Well I was laying Peyton down the other night and she is now getting the same tooth. So they both have two bottom teeth and the left K-9. Weird right?
I cannot wait to see what the future hold and all the neat twintuition things that come up!!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Men are DUMB!!!!
Needless to say there is no more poop on the wall, I cleaned it.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Things that make me laugh.
I am watching Toddlers in Tiaras why.......well I couldn't tell you. There is one mom who is a conserative christian, at an all glitz pageant. Needless to say it is redonkuless. Well the whole show is redonkuless. Little girls that look 21, if I were a pedophile I would hang out there!! LOL Ok well this one mom, she was worried about her seven year old showing her shoulders, and she was praying for everything. Literally she is all "god bless us on our pageant", "God touch the hair dressers hands", "Lord help us win", "Oh Jesus Oh Jesus Oh Jesus". She is crazy and it makes me laugh!
Other things that make me laugh...I work well volunteer at the nursery at Crossroads for my membership and daycare. The kids are super funny. There were two seven year olds and they both had an Ipod. One looked at the other and said "is that your personal Ipod?" There were a couple other girls telling me how they are grounded from everything even eating. Kids make me laugh so much, they say the silliest things.
Ok the last thing that made me laugh so hard I almost shot beer out my nose....
We were out side talking to our neighbors. We have had a running joke with them, Tyler the eighteen year old boy bought a semi truck, so we joke we need to get an airplane to keep up with him. Well the other day he got a huge trailer, so big only his semi can pull it. So I look at his dad and say well I guess I need to buy a Jet-Pack to one up him. Then in all seriousness he looks at me and says "then we could Diarrhea on people". Yep my beer came out my nose.
And that is some of the shit that makes me laugh!!!!
Other things that make me laugh...I work well volunteer at the nursery at Crossroads for my membership and daycare. The kids are super funny. There were two seven year olds and they both had an Ipod. One looked at the other and said "is that your personal Ipod?" There were a couple other girls telling me how they are grounded from everything even eating. Kids make me laugh so much, they say the silliest things.
Ok the last thing that made me laugh so hard I almost shot beer out my nose....
We were out side talking to our neighbors. We have had a running joke with them, Tyler the eighteen year old boy bought a semi truck, so we joke we need to get an airplane to keep up with him. Well the other day he got a huge trailer, so big only his semi can pull it. So I look at his dad and say well I guess I need to buy a Jet-Pack to one up him. Then in all seriousness he looks at me and says "then we could Diarrhea on people". Yep my beer came out my nose.
And that is some of the shit that makes me laugh!!!!
Friday, June 17, 2011
Itty Bitty Tittie Committee!!
Well folks this may be TMI for some of you but I have to share.
I am pleased to announce I am the president of the itty bitty tittie committee, and have been since high school. LOL To some of you this may sounds vain and crazy, some of you will understand, and some wont care. HA HA
Ok as you all know I have tiny tiny boobies, omg just saying this makes me laugh so hard!!! I joke that if I shaved my head I could walk around topless and people would think I was a boy. In high school my friends elected me president of the itty bitty titty committee, they both had cantaloupes and watermelons, i have acorns... ): I joke about this subject, but in reality it is the one thing on my body that makes me so uncomfortable. I have never felt like a woman in this area. I feel like a little girl, not sexy, just awkward. I have been talking to Chris about getting a boob job one day. He says he doesn't care he loves me no matter what, which is great but this isn't about him, I would be doing it for me. Well a boob job cost money which we don't have, so........ I got this new bra.
It is the bombshell by Victoria Secret. It is so cool. It is like a shelf to put you boobies on, it gives you volume and lift, like a good shampoo. I was a little skeptical because what if you have nothing to put on the shelf??? Well it helped even me. I have never worn more than a walmart bra, so I didn't even know how to take care of a nice bra. HA HA I am happy because I feel a little better. I will still get some fake boobies one day, but that is a wase down the road. For now I will wear my awesome Boobie shelf bra!!!!!
I am pleased to announce I am the president of the itty bitty tittie committee, and have been since high school. LOL To some of you this may sounds vain and crazy, some of you will understand, and some wont care. HA HA
It is the bombshell by Victoria Secret. It is so cool. It is like a shelf to put you boobies on, it gives you volume and lift, like a good shampoo. I was a little skeptical because what if you have nothing to put on the shelf??? Well it helped even me. I have never worn more than a walmart bra, so I didn't even know how to take care of a nice bra. HA HA I am happy because I feel a little better. I will still get some fake boobies one day, but that is a wase down the road. For now I will wear my awesome Boobie shelf bra!!!!!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
One big happy family!!
So Chris went back to work today, and for the first time in a long time I am sad he is at work. I will see him in three hours when he gets off, but still I miss him. We had hit a little bit of a down spot. Just not feeling like we were on the same page with anything, Teagans discipline, house work, ANYTHING...Well we had a talk about how sad and unhappy it was making me and the kiddos. Thankfully There was a %100 change. Chris helped me so much with our Moms Club end of the year party. We disciplined Teagan the same way. He didn't give in like a push over and by the end of the week Teagan was back to normal. He got thing done around the house with out me begging him or being mad that he didn't do it. He helped me keep the house clean instead of leaving it a disaster. We were also much more connected. Instead of being like room mates we were a couple. It is hard when you have three kiddos under three to connect and stay connected but we have managed. It was time for us to hit a rut, we have been living together for five years. I am just so glad we can talk and work things out. I know I will never have to live unhappy because I can tell my husband everything, and he can tell me anything. Communication is so important. Hopefully his next week is just as great, I am sure it will be.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Playing Russian Roulette While Drinking. YES!!
Now there are some night I get really sick and pretty much black out. For example the other night I went out with my friend Sherridan. I had two jack and cokes and six beers in a five hour period. I ended up puking, blacking out, and being drunk in a scary way. I will be perfectly fine and then all the sudden be so drunk I don't remember anything. This mat sound crazy but I go from buzzed to black out drunk in about 5min. When I get sick like this it can be very scary, just ask Chris and my Mom. I feel very stupid the next day like it is my fault. I truly believe that my Crohns has something to do with it.
Drinking can be like playing Russian roulette. I never know what kind of night it is going to be. This is a very scary thing. I am worried that if my intestines and making my alcohol hit me at once that I could get alcohol poisoning, and potentially die. I wish proctors knew more about Crohns, I wish they could answer questions about things like this. But they don't know, they really don't know much. It really is sad and scary to had a incurable disease that no one know a lot about, and can affect my body in such a scary way.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Crohns, living with not suffering from.
I thought I would write today about having Chrons Disease. I was diagnosed in October of 2005, after a long laundry list of tests and accusations.
Crohn's disease, also known as regional enteritis, is an inflammatory disease of the intestines that may affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract from mouth to anus, causing a wide variety of symptoms. It primarily causes abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, or weight loss, but may also cause complications outside the gastrointestinal tract such as skin rashes, arthritis, inflammation of the eye, tiredness, and lack of concentration.
Crohn's disease is thought to be an autoimmune disease, in which the body's immune system attacks the gastrointestinal tract, causing inflammation; it is classified as a type of inflammatory bowel disease. There is evidence of a genetic link to Crohn's disease, putting individuals with siblings afflicted with the disease at higher risk. It is thought to have a large environmental component as evidenced by a higher incidence in western industrialized nations compared to other parts of the world. Males and females are equally affected. Smokers are two times more likely to develop Crohn's disease than nonsmokers. Crohn's disease tends to present initially in the teens and twenties, with another peak incidence in the fifties to seventies, although the disease can occur at any age.
There is no known pharmaceutical or surgical cure for Crohn's disease. Treatment options are restricted to controlling symptoms, maintaining remission, and preventing relapse.
I lived in California alone, going to school, when I was diagnosed. I was accused of being anorexic, eating and purging, and not really being that sick. I had two colonoscopy, an upper G.I, Barrium X-Ray and numerous blood draws. It was finally discovered that I have Crohns in more that one place in my intestine. Finally in November 2005 I had to move home from California because I was so sick. A week before Christmas I was put in the hospital because I was so sick. I weighed 97lb, pale, and cold all the time. I was put on all kinds of medications including steroids, which made me CRAZY. In 2007 a Dr put me on a high does of Pentasa, which in the end gave my asthma, which sucks when you enjoy running. Luckily being preggo has helped put my Crohns on the back burner. There are some foods that still make me sick, but I can handle puking once a week compared to many times a day. I have noticed over the last month my symptoms are more prominate and it is prolly because the hormones from being preggo are finally leaving my body. There is no cure and no really good pharmaceutical treatment. I try to control my symptoms on my own. I will write more on my crohns, sometime I would like to give everyone the whole back story on getting diagnosed. As for now I will continue to live with, not suffer from Crohns!!!!
Crohn's disease is thought to be an autoimmune disease, in which the body's immune system attacks the gastrointestinal tract, causing inflammation; it is classified as a type of inflammatory bowel disease. There is evidence of a genetic link to Crohn's disease, putting individuals with siblings afflicted with the disease at higher risk. It is thought to have a large environmental component as evidenced by a higher incidence in western industrialized nations compared to other parts of the world. Males and females are equally affected. Smokers are two times more likely to develop Crohn's disease than nonsmokers. Crohn's disease tends to present initially in the teens and twenties, with another peak incidence in the fifties to seventies, although the disease can occur at any age.
There is no known pharmaceutical or surgical cure for Crohn's disease. Treatment options are restricted to controlling symptoms, maintaining remission, and preventing relapse.
I lived in California alone, going to school, when I was diagnosed. I was accused of being anorexic, eating and purging, and not really being that sick. I had two colonoscopy, an upper G.I, Barrium X-Ray and numerous blood draws. It was finally discovered that I have Crohns in more that one place in my intestine. Finally in November 2005 I had to move home from California because I was so sick. A week before Christmas I was put in the hospital because I was so sick. I weighed 97lb, pale, and cold all the time. I was put on all kinds of medications including steroids, which made me CRAZY. In 2007 a Dr put me on a high does of Pentasa, which in the end gave my asthma, which sucks when you enjoy running. Luckily being preggo has helped put my Crohns on the back burner. There are some foods that still make me sick, but I can handle puking once a week compared to many times a day. I have noticed over the last month my symptoms are more prominate and it is prolly because the hormones from being preggo are finally leaving my body. There is no cure and no really good pharmaceutical treatment. I try to control my symptoms on my own. I will write more on my crohns, sometime I would like to give everyone the whole back story on getting diagnosed. As for now I will continue to live with, not suffer from Crohns!!!!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
I am gonna barf!!!
Ok so I am so tired of people and all their fakie fake ness. We have so many friends who put on a huge front about how awesome their life is. They pertend they have a perfect marriage, no money problems, and love everything about them selfs. It is annoying because Chris and I wear our lives on our sleeves, not only through this blog but in general. If we are not happy or are going through a hard time we are in no way ashamed to tell anyone. I get annoyed when people who we know have lots of problems look down on us for our problems. They talk about us like we are horrible people and the only people in the world who have issues. I think admitting our problems and being very open about them is one of the best things about our marriage. See Chris or I will never be scarred to tell each other when we have a problem because we talk. We don't yell, accuse, point fingers, we just talk. I get tired of people telling me they know exactly how I feel when there are issues, but I never feel like they do. Very few of my friends ever tell me their problems, they just put on a happy face, so when they tell me they understand what I am going through I say"ya ok". I like that my blog and my family is relatable, when I know people I understand it is because I do, and they know I do. I guess all I am trying to say is I don't understand why everyone pertends their life is wonderful all the time, we all know its not. No ones life is perfect all the time, it the times it is perfect that gets us through the imperfect times. Don't be scarred to call a friend and vent, you may feel silly, but I am will to bet a million dollars that they have been there before too. I choose to put it all out there, I don't put on a fake happy face, I never will. If you ever need someone to talk to, call me, I don't judge and I don't tell others, and guaranteed I have been there before!!!!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Do I stop Blogging?
It was brought to my attention that some people are upset about my blog about Chris and the things that took place the last time he watched the kids. They feel I am portraying Chris in a negative way, and that I need to think about this before I put it out there for people to read. I knew people were upset and that phone calls / texts / messages were sent out about it because this blog and this blog alone had twice as many readers as normal. I am sorry if you do not like what I said but it was the truth, it was how I felt, it was my reaction to the situation. If had wrote my blog today, after talking to Chris and cooling off a little, it would be the same. I have been told I am a bad wife for writing about him like that. If people are so concerned about what they are reading why don't they call Chris? What don't they send a message? I don't make things up, I don't exaggerate the truth. It is what it is.
What most people don't understand is I am home ALONE 24-7 for weeks at a time with my kids. I am so so lonely and need a place to vent, let it out, and share things that happen through out my day. This is MY place to do that. If you don't like it don't read it. I have contemplated not blogging at all, or not blogging personal things. That defeats the purpose of MY blog. Chris doest care what I write, and if he didn't want family or the world to know something he would tell me and I wouldn't post it.
I feel super bad for Chris he is always in the middle of me and his family. Nothing I do is right, I have a good few months and then something like this happens and I become the devil again. Some people could get away with murder, and I cannot even write a blog. Instead of contacting everyone you know to read something you disapprove of, call Chris and make sure things are ok. Don't use your anger against my blog to excuse his horrible actions.
You can draw what ever conclusion that you want from what you read, but like Chris even said if you are that concerned or you don't like what is going on call him. I will not apologize for the things I said. Like I said before I am always in the wrong, no matter what I do it is always my fault, and Chris ends up in the middle.
If you don't like my blog don't read it, and if you are concerned call Chris, not everyone on earth telling them to read what the devil wrote. When will it end?????????
What most people don't understand is I am home ALONE 24-7 for weeks at a time with my kids. I am so so lonely and need a place to vent, let it out, and share things that happen through out my day. This is MY place to do that. If you don't like it don't read it. I have contemplated not blogging at all, or not blogging personal things. That defeats the purpose of MY blog. Chris doest care what I write, and if he didn't want family or the world to know something he would tell me and I wouldn't post it.
I feel super bad for Chris he is always in the middle of me and his family. Nothing I do is right, I have a good few months and then something like this happens and I become the devil again. Some people could get away with murder, and I cannot even write a blog. Instead of contacting everyone you know to read something you disapprove of, call Chris and make sure things are ok. Don't use your anger against my blog to excuse his horrible actions.
You can draw what ever conclusion that you want from what you read, but like Chris even said if you are that concerned or you don't like what is going on call him. I will not apologize for the things I said. Like I said before I am always in the wrong, no matter what I do it is always my fault, and Chris ends up in the middle.
If you don't like my blog don't read it, and if you are concerned call Chris, not everyone on earth telling them to read what the devil wrote. When will it end?????????
Sunday, May 15, 2011
She Woman, Man Hater Club
So I have been doing a lot of husband bashing lately, so I thought it was time to write about all the things that make Chris so awesome. I don't want anyone getting the wrong idea. We have our ups and downs, but we survive. We have our difference but we bounce back. here are all the awesome things chris does that make me so happy to be with him.
He is a good dad. I know we just had a horrible, unacceptable incident, but he really is a good dad. He loves his kiddos. He loves to take Teagan out and spend one on one time with him. He plays with not only our kids but other peoples kids. He doesn't care if he look silly as long as the kids are happy. He would give up his jeep crap to make things better for our kids.
He is an awesome husband. Like I said before we have our ups and downs, but the great thing about chris is the way he communicates with me. In listening to my friends not many men do this. Communication is one of the most important things in a marriage. I know i can tell Chris when I am upset with him and vice-a-versa and instead of it turning into a fight we talk it out. We don't always agree but we come to some understanding. We don't yell, we don't get to personal, we talk and once it is over, its over. He lets me have time with my friends and alone. He thinks and knows what I do at home with the kids is just as important as what he does.
He is not romantic in the least, but he does do some sweet things. He says "I love you babe" every night before he goes to sleep when is isn't home. He says when he has a roommate he whispers it because he doesn't want anyone to get the wrong idea. LOL
I love my husband, I am lucky to have him. There are times I could kill him, but that's normal we are married! We have a lot of stress in our lives, three kids, a mortgage, bills, and we are young. But we will make it, we love each other and that pretty much all that matters.
He is a good dad. I know we just had a horrible, unacceptable incident, but he really is a good dad. He loves his kiddos. He loves to take Teagan out and spend one on one time with him. He plays with not only our kids but other peoples kids. He doesn't care if he look silly as long as the kids are happy. He would give up his jeep crap to make things better for our kids.
He is an awesome husband. Like I said before we have our ups and downs, but the great thing about chris is the way he communicates with me. In listening to my friends not many men do this. Communication is one of the most important things in a marriage. I know i can tell Chris when I am upset with him and vice-a-versa and instead of it turning into a fight we talk it out. We don't always agree but we come to some understanding. We don't yell, we don't get to personal, we talk and once it is over, its over. He lets me have time with my friends and alone. He thinks and knows what I do at home with the kids is just as important as what he does.
He is not romantic in the least, but he does do some sweet things. He says "I love you babe" every night before he goes to sleep when is isn't home. He says when he has a roommate he whispers it because he doesn't want anyone to get the wrong idea. LOL
I love my husband, I am lucky to have him. There are times I could kill him, but that's normal we are married! We have a lot of stress in our lives, three kids, a mortgage, bills, and we are young. But we will make it, we love each other and that pretty much all that matters.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Dad out of controll.
As a note I would like to say if you are a huge "Chris Fan" you may not want to read this as it is about to get Ghetto!!!!!
You should be able to leave you kiddos with their dad and expect them to be cared for in the same loving way you would Right?? I know Chris will probably never do things the way I do, or do as much as I do but he should at least take care of the kids with the same level of love and caution as I do. NOT THE CASE!!!
Here is what happened. I went to work in the morning, then to lunch with a friend, then to get my hair done. My hair took longer than I expected(but it turned out amazing), so that's ok. So at 1pm I texted chris to take things out for dinner, there was no response so I figured he was getting kids down for nap. No big deal. Well at 3pm I called because the kids should have been waking up and I wanted to make sure he got my text. Well there was no answer so I call the answer. Finally at 3:30 I have to call the neighbor to go check on them. She rings the door bell numorus answer. So she goes in and the kids are all in bed screaming and chris is on the couch sleeping. She wakes him up and he calls me. I am now a little upset, but whatever.
Then at 5pm I text chris that I am running late and give him directions to cook dinner. Ok no big deal. Then I call him on my way home at 6:15........ No kids had been fed. Well the girls go to bed at 7pm so there is no point in feeding them now. At this point I find it a little funny that their own dad had no clue to feed them. Until I get home.........The girls are inside SCREAMING to the point of throwing up, still in their P.J's dirty and smelly. Chris is out side with his brother trying to weld the lawn mower bag back together so he can borrow it. NO LONGER FUNNY. I AM PISSED. Once I see the girls I start crying because obviously no one changed their diaper after nap, no one fed them. They had been neglected, and left in the house alone for God noes how long. I change them get them bottles and get them in bed. Chris comes in and finally makes teagan some dinner and says "why are you so mad at me"... WTF REALLY?? WHY???? SO I say " I am upset I had to have the neighbor come over and get you up" He say " It not MY fault my phone was no vibrate". Ok you are right is not you fault, it only your phone, you have no control over it. Then I say "I am mad because you didn't feed the kids" He says "The other night you said it was so convenient when we ate together, I figured you wanted to wait". What a lame ass excuse. He neglected our kids. Not only did he not feed, not change diapers, but he left the girls inside alone screaming. He should have told his brother to wait, or use the lawnmower with out the bag, or by your own f'ing mower!!! NOT OK. I feel so guilty and bad for leaving my kids, and I should never have to feel that way. I am so mad at Chris, I don't even want to be around him. Those kids are my world and they should be his too. From here on out I will be hiring a babysitter, even when Chris is home, and he will not be taking any of the kids out for one on one time. I will not allow my kids to be treated this way again. He is the dad, what was he thinking. There is NO EXCUSE!!!!!!!
You should be able to leave you kiddos with their dad and expect them to be cared for in the same loving way you would Right?? I know Chris will probably never do things the way I do, or do as much as I do but he should at least take care of the kids with the same level of love and caution as I do. NOT THE CASE!!!
Here is what happened. I went to work in the morning, then to lunch with a friend, then to get my hair done. My hair took longer than I expected(but it turned out amazing), so that's ok. So at 1pm I texted chris to take things out for dinner, there was no response so I figured he was getting kids down for nap. No big deal. Well at 3pm I called because the kids should have been waking up and I wanted to make sure he got my text. Well there was no answer so I call the answer. Finally at 3:30 I have to call the neighbor to go check on them. She rings the door bell numorus answer. So she goes in and the kids are all in bed screaming and chris is on the couch sleeping. She wakes him up and he calls me. I am now a little upset, but whatever.
Then at 5pm I text chris that I am running late and give him directions to cook dinner. Ok no big deal. Then I call him on my way home at 6:15........ No kids had been fed. Well the girls go to bed at 7pm so there is no point in feeding them now. At this point I find it a little funny that their own dad had no clue to feed them. Until I get home.........The girls are inside SCREAMING to the point of throwing up, still in their P.J's dirty and smelly. Chris is out side with his brother trying to weld the lawn mower bag back together so he can borrow it. NO LONGER FUNNY. I AM PISSED. Once I see the girls I start crying because obviously no one changed their diaper after nap, no one fed them. They had been neglected, and left in the house alone for God noes how long. I change them get them bottles and get them in bed. Chris comes in and finally makes teagan some dinner and says "why are you so mad at me"... WTF REALLY?? WHY???? SO I say " I am upset I had to have the neighbor come over and get you up" He say " It not MY fault my phone was no vibrate". Ok you are right is not you fault, it only your phone, you have no control over it. Then I say "I am mad because you didn't feed the kids" He says "The other night you said it was so convenient when we ate together, I figured you wanted to wait". What a lame ass excuse. He neglected our kids. Not only did he not feed, not change diapers, but he left the girls inside alone screaming. He should have told his brother to wait, or use the lawnmower with out the bag, or by your own f'ing mower!!! NOT OK. I feel so guilty and bad for leaving my kids, and I should never have to feel that way. I am so mad at Chris, I don't even want to be around him. Those kids are my world and they should be his too. From here on out I will be hiring a babysitter, even when Chris is home, and he will not be taking any of the kids out for one on one time. I will not allow my kids to be treated this way again. He is the dad, what was he thinking. There is NO EXCUSE!!!!!!!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Crazy, Probally!
Friday, May 6, 2011
I gotta PEE!!!!!
Wow people amaze me so so much.....
Yesterday I was working at City Market in Clifton doing some merchandising. I want to say every time I go in there I see interesting people and the store always smells funny. This one lady in particular just stunned me. All I could do was walk away. She was standing in the isle talking to her daughter who was seated in the front of the cart. The little girl says "mom I have to pee" and the mom says "I know so does mommy, but if we keep walking mommy is going to pee her pants" I continue working as she continues to talk "we are just going to stand here for a little big because mommy is going to pee on her self"..... Really lady??.... Ok I know some people have bladder control problems and that is fine, but you do not need to announce it to everyone shopping that you are going to pee on your self. You could have just stood there pertending to look for something. If this is an ongoing problem you can get depends, to bad you didn't get stuck on that isle.
So later that night I had to go work at the gym. I was trying to get both babies who were in the car seat carriers and teagan through two glass double doors, with a giant backpack on my back. When I can push the door it isn't to hard but when I have to pull it open it is hard. My hands are full of babies and teagan could just run if he wanted. Anywho... this lady is standing on the other side of the GLASS door watching me. Once I make it through the door she says "wow you have your hands full". All I could say was yes i do , thank you. Now if we had not been at a place I work I would have said "yes I do and thank you so much for your help with the door". People Comm'on you are killin me!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
I have so much animosity and stress I cannot stop crying. I don't even know were to start. I am so so mad at Chris for getting putting us in this position just because he had to have this truck. I could never tell him "NO" you cant buy it. All I could do is give him all the facts including "we cannot afford it" and let him make his own choice. Now he realizes that he should not have bought it, mainly because he doesn't want to work extra. So his week off he went to two dealership to see what they could do. TWO ONLY TWO!!!! Plus all anyone is going to give him is what he owes so we will loose $8,000! AHHHHH
So he did go to work two days early this week, which is good. Then this morning he tells me his boss said they need someone for four days next week. He is hem-hawing about working it. Hello what does we need money mean?? I think him having a month off did real damage. He now wants to just stay home. I have offered to work, but he doesn't want to be a stay at home dad either. WTF!!!!
Chris has no ambition. Last night we were talking about how much the company man makes. I said "hey one day that could be you". He said no way he doesn't want that responsibility. So then I suggested a management position but don't as extreme, no he doesn't want that either. The last company he work for begged him to be a supervisor for two years straight and he wouldn't do it. Why, why does he have no drive?? He want to save money and get out of the oil field, but to do that he is going t have to move up the food chain and make some money.
If I had a vehicle that was draining us, and I bought it after chris told me we couldn't afford it. I would either work my ass off and pay it off or I would work my ass of to trade it in for something cheaper.
I don't know what we are going to do, I don't know how we are going to make it.
I need some help.I don't know what to do. Advice anyone....
So he did go to work two days early this week, which is good. Then this morning he tells me his boss said they need someone for four days next week. He is hem-hawing about working it. Hello what does we need money mean?? I think him having a month off did real damage. He now wants to just stay home. I have offered to work, but he doesn't want to be a stay at home dad either. WTF!!!!
Chris has no ambition. Last night we were talking about how much the company man makes. I said "hey one day that could be you". He said no way he doesn't want that responsibility. So then I suggested a management position but don't as extreme, no he doesn't want that either. The last company he work for begged him to be a supervisor for two years straight and he wouldn't do it. Why, why does he have no drive?? He want to save money and get out of the oil field, but to do that he is going t have to move up the food chain and make some money.
If I had a vehicle that was draining us, and I bought it after chris told me we couldn't afford it. I would either work my ass off and pay it off or I would work my ass of to trade it in for something cheaper.
I don't know what we are going to do, I don't know how we are going to make it.
I need some help.I don't know what to do. Advice anyone....
Saturday, April 30, 2011
I am not a slut bitch
Ok first I want to say yes I am a tad bit drunk. Any who..... I was planning on a nice night at home until my hubby kicked me out, with no were els to go I met up with some firends. When I got to the bar I saw my brother in law, said hi and told him he should go hang with chris because he kicked me out and he had nothing to do. Well the night conituines and one of the girls my friend was with passes out and gets kicked out, my brother in law offers me a ride home, but then tells me I should be carefull, because he saw a guy smack my ass. UM OK???? I have no controll over that. Yes I danced, well two stepped with a guy, so what, chris knows. Needless to say I found my own ride home because I dont need judgy mcjudgy telling chris every little move I make. We are happy in our marrage, no infalidate on this end THANK YOU!!!!! Dont tell me I should be carefull I am a big girl and I love my hubby. So go ahead call him when you get up MORE POWER TO YOU!!!! I dont cheat, I dont see other guys, leave me alone. I dont need to feel judged. Maybe you should look in the mirror. I am not fake we have our issues, but nothing like that. I am so greatefull he gave me a night off. I would never do anything to hurt him. I guess if I were you I would think the worst of every girl too. WHATEVER!!!!!!!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
What kind of Porn do you watch?
Here is the list:
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Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Friends comming out of the wood work.
So recently I posted about not having many friends and being surrounded by so many women but not feeling close to any of them. Well you can read it here....
I would just like to say I am not having a pity party for my self when I write thing like this. I can only vent to my husband so much and this is the only place I have to vent. It all most makes me feel worse when people read a blog like that and then decide they want to be good friends. Ok I know I am a hard person to please! What I am trying to say is, when I write a blog about not having friends it does not mean I want a bunch of friends who are only my friend when it is beneficial for them or makes them feel good. I too am guilty of this. I have a friend who is the middle of a life long renovation of their home. One day she posted that she needs it done sooner than later because it is driving her nuts. Well I posted that I can help anytime, but I never offered to help before that. I think some time when she see a person is having a hard time we feel the need to say we will help. It makes us feel better about our self's. I recently received an invitation to a party that made me feel like an after thought because the RSPV date had passed by more than a week. i think the person who sent it read my blog and felt the need to invite me. Needless to say I didn't attend. I feel like I am not always totally honest with my feeling on my blog because I don't want to hurt any ones feeling. This has to stop because this is were I get it out. Well I guess all I am trying to say is I don't need pitty friends. All I really need is a shower, I stink!!!!LOL Maybe that's why I don't have friends!!!! LOL
I would just like to say I am not having a pity party for my self when I write thing like this. I can only vent to my husband so much and this is the only place I have to vent. It all most makes me feel worse when people read a blog like that and then decide they want to be good friends. Ok I know I am a hard person to please! What I am trying to say is, when I write a blog about not having friends it does not mean I want a bunch of friends who are only my friend when it is beneficial for them or makes them feel good. I too am guilty of this. I have a friend who is the middle of a life long renovation of their home. One day she posted that she needs it done sooner than later because it is driving her nuts. Well I posted that I can help anytime, but I never offered to help before that. I think some time when she see a person is having a hard time we feel the need to say we will help. It makes us feel better about our self's. I recently received an invitation to a party that made me feel like an after thought because the RSPV date had passed by more than a week. i think the person who sent it read my blog and felt the need to invite me. Needless to say I didn't attend. I feel like I am not always totally honest with my feeling on my blog because I don't want to hurt any ones feeling. This has to stop because this is were I get it out. Well I guess all I am trying to say is I don't need pitty friends. All I really need is a shower, I stink!!!!LOL Maybe that's why I don't have friends!!!! LOL
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Ok so tonight we had a girls night which I totally needed!!!! So first we went to Baily's which is a hotel bar. There was this guy with total bug eyes, like popping out of his head, I guess this was normal for him, every time he looked at us he would cock his head and his eye balls would stick out, I could not even talk to Erin because he was sitting down the bar from her and all I could do was laugh.
Then Jen and I went to Tenacious Brothers pretty cool. Except for the screaming brides maid party. That was a little annoying. I was happy tho because I got to see the softer side of Jen. Oh how I love you!!!!
Quincy's OMG!!!! I love Quincy's. First off a man in in 50's asked if I have ever no. Then he told me he has a clothing line of leather booty shorts I would look awesome in. Ok whatever as I picture my self in the basement "it puts the lotion on" LOL Then he looks at Jen and says "what you name"..... "oh Jen nice to meet you bye" OH what a shit head. I must say I love Quincy's.
You know what I don't love Haters!!!! No matter where we go girls talk shit. I cant help that I think I am awesome. I own how cool I am and so should you. Don't hate just because you don't. I say this because the "regulars" at the karaoke bar had some not nice looks towards us. Why????? because I rock and you don't!! LOL!!!!!
Ok good night, I must get up soon with the kiddos. Jen it is on like donkey Kong....Quincy's here we come!!!!!!
(well I was going to share some awesome pictures, like of the buggy eye guy but my email wont load. Dumb email)!!
Then Jen and I went to Tenacious Brothers pretty cool. Except for the screaming brides maid party. That was a little annoying. I was happy tho because I got to see the softer side of Jen. Oh how I love you!!!!
Quincy's OMG!!!! I love Quincy's. First off a man in in 50's asked if I have ever no. Then he told me he has a clothing line of leather booty shorts I would look awesome in. Ok whatever as I picture my self in the basement "it puts the lotion on" LOL Then he looks at Jen and says "what you name"..... "oh Jen nice to meet you bye" OH what a shit head. I must say I love Quincy's.
You know what I don't love Haters!!!! No matter where we go girls talk shit. I cant help that I think I am awesome. I own how cool I am and so should you. Don't hate just because you don't. I say this because the "regulars" at the karaoke bar had some not nice looks towards us. Why????? because I rock and you don't!! LOL!!!!!
Ok good night, I must get up soon with the kiddos. Jen it is on like donkey Kong....Quincy's here we come!!!!!!
(well I was going to share some awesome pictures, like of the buggy eye guy but my email wont load. Dumb email)!!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
That was the deal right??
Oh the crap I do. So as you all know Chris bought a new truck awhile ago, The deal when he bought this truck was he needed to work extra weeks to pay it off in a year. Well then he lost his job and we drained our bank account, but we are recovering. Except this month it just happened that both cars have to be registered this month. AHHHHHH......
So tonight during the ten minute conservation we get to have I tell Chris he is going to have to work an extra week soon to get us out of the hole. Then I apologize a million time for this. WTF!!!
Why am I apologizing, he said he would work extra. I know what he was thinking, oh I will tell my wife I will work extra and then just hope she forgets. Well I can promise you every month that I have to pay and $400.00 truck payment I will NOT FORGET!! This stupid truck is killing us!!!!!
It totally suck when you only get to talk for a few minutes every night and you have to talk about serous stuff like that. Why do I apologize, I didn't want a expensive truck. I agree Chris needed a new vehicle but he didn't have to spend that much. Oh it just makes me mad that I feel bad for telling him he has to work extra. That's just the way it goes. Is there an easier way to make them understand. It wouldn't be so bad but we pay $700 a month in hospital bill from having the girls. We were supposed to pay those off, but he lost him job so we had to live off our tax return. Plus he had a month off when he lost his job so he can work an extra week. When things like this come up, I feel like such a drain on our family. I feel like I spend money, I don't make money, so I am a waste. Oh well such is life.
So tonight during the ten minute conservation we get to have I tell Chris he is going to have to work an extra week soon to get us out of the hole. Then I apologize a million time for this. WTF!!!
Why am I apologizing, he said he would work extra. I know what he was thinking, oh I will tell my wife I will work extra and then just hope she forgets. Well I can promise you every month that I have to pay and $400.00 truck payment I will NOT FORGET!! This stupid truck is killing us!!!!!
It totally suck when you only get to talk for a few minutes every night and you have to talk about serous stuff like that. Why do I apologize, I didn't want a expensive truck. I agree Chris needed a new vehicle but he didn't have to spend that much. Oh it just makes me mad that I feel bad for telling him he has to work extra. That's just the way it goes. Is there an easier way to make them understand. It wouldn't be so bad but we pay $700 a month in hospital bill from having the girls. We were supposed to pay those off, but he lost him job so we had to live off our tax return. Plus he had a month off when he lost his job so he can work an extra week. When things like this come up, I feel like such a drain on our family. I feel like I spend money, I don't make money, so I am a waste. Oh well such is life.
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