Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I am gonna barf!!!

Ok so I am so tired of people and all their fakie fake ness. We have so many friends who put on a huge front about how awesome their life is. They pertend they have a perfect marriage, no money problems, and love everything about them selfs. It is annoying because Chris and I wear our lives on our sleeves, not only through this blog but in general. If we are not happy or are going through a hard time we are in no way ashamed to tell anyone. I get annoyed when people who we know have lots of problems look down on us for our problems. They talk about us like we are horrible people and the only people in the world who have issues. I think admitting our problems and being very open about them is one of the best things about our marriage. See Chris or I will never be scarred to tell each other when we have a problem because we talk. We don't yell, accuse, point fingers, we just talk. I get tired of people telling me they know exactly how I feel when there are issues, but I never feel like they do. Very few of my friends ever tell me their problems, they just put on a happy face, so when they tell me they understand what I am going through I say"ya ok". I like that my blog and my family is relatable, when I know people I understand it is because I do, and they know I do. I guess all I am trying to say is I don't understand why everyone pertends their life is wonderful all the time, we all know its not. No ones life is perfect all the time, it the times it is perfect that gets us through the imperfect times. Don't be scarred to call a friend and vent, you may feel silly, but I am will to bet a million dollars that they have been there before too. I choose to put it all out there, I don't put on a fake happy face, I never will. If you ever need someone to talk to, call me, I don't judge and I don't tell others, and guaranteed I have been there before!!!!

1 comment:

  1. That's why I love you and our friendship so much, I know you get me, and I always get you! Our relationships are similar, and while we have differences in situations, I know that you still understand the basis of my frustrations or joys. And you allow me to say I'm awesome when I am being awesome, and that life sucks when it sucks. And I love that you don't say life sucks when it actually doesn't, or pretend to be struggling when you actually aren't.
